11¤ë¥÷ super kids

Eagle class [James]

Teacher: Michael, Samantha 

This month¡¦s Super Kid in Eagle Class is a kind and sweet boy who is always seen smiling and laughing.  He has great perseverance, and he doesn¡¦t let anything put him down.  With a great sense of humor, and popularity among his classmates, it¡¦s hard not to like James.  Even when things get tough, James is always looking on the bright side.  Congratulations, James!      

Penguin Class [Kelly]

Teacher: Kyle, Anita

When this young student first came to Penguin class, she was very shy and quiet. That didn¡¦t last for very long. She has opened up to all of us and showed us the bright, fun kid that she is. If you walk into Penguin class, you¡¦ll immediately notice her big smile and cute laughter.   Her English has improved rapidly and she has excellent pronunciation. She also loves to sing and dance! The energy and enthusiasm she possess are inspirations to all of Penguin class.   I¡¦m happy to announce that our Super Kid for the month of November is Kelly!    

Dolphin Class [Nicole]

Teacher: Brent, Stacey

In the past month, this Super Kid has greatly improved in ALL areas!
Let's take a look at her days in the past month:

- First, she has been coming to school on time, which is a great way
to start the day.
- She has been listening to her teachers better, and paying better
attention during class.
- She has been participating more during class, often raising her
hand and answering questions.
- She has been able to complete her workbooks and exercises with
little or no help.
- Most importantly, she has been trying her best in everything she
does. This is all we can ask from her...do your best.

The result is that she is doing better in all subjects. She also
seems to have learned that she enjoys learning!

This Super Kid deserves all the credit, as she has decided to take
control of her learning at CKids. We couldn't be happier with her
efforts, hard work, and positive results.

Please keep up the hard work....Super Kid Nicole!

Elephant Class [Jocelyn]

Teacher: Saskia, Charlene

Elephant¡¦s Super Kid for the month of November is a wonderful girl who is well liked by everyone.  She has excellent manners, always thanking her teachers and remembering to greet everyone she sees, regardless of the time of day.  She puts her heart into learning and pays attention in class.  She is especially good at Sing and Rhyme time.  This student is graceful and pretty and for all these and many more reasons, we love having her in our class. Well done, Jocelyn!          

Bumblebee Class [Angela]

Teacher: Jeannie, Dolly

This may come as a surprise to a lot of people as Bumblebee's Super Kid is as quiet as a mouse. You can hardly feel her presence as she would rather be in the background of things, rather than be the star of the show. After months of encouraging, she is slowly coming out of her shell and showing everyone that she could be as fun as everyone. Cool and composed a lot of times, it seems like nothing gets to her. When she smiles, it is as radiant as the sun. Her eyelashes are also the envy of every teacher. They want to have those eyelashes for themselves. For improving academically and socially, we give this award to a special girl by the name of Angela! Hope to see you shine more brightly in the future!