4月份 super kids

Lion class [Mia]

Teacher: Michael, Samantha 

This month’s Super Kid for Lion Class is a girl who has improved a lot since returning to our class. Mia has lost her shyness and has adopted a very confident and positive attitude. She has transitioned to the English-only rule very well. She is now able to converse with her classmates and teachers using English. She has a great memory for new vocabulary. Keep up the great work, Mia!

Penguin Class [Mini]

Teacher: Brent, Anita

The Super Kid for April is one who is always smiling and always having fun. She is super happy, and she is always making other people happy too! However, she knows when she needs to be serious, and she definitely is during class time. She is very smart, pays attention, has a great memory, and can think logically. She is also a big helper.

And she also wears the best shirts in the school! If you're still not sure who this Super Kid is, she really likes sleeping and money! It's none other than Super Mini, of course.

Congratulations Mini!!

Hippo Class [Selina]

Teacher: Saskia, Stacey

This young lady is not very talkative but she has a wonderful smile and she shares it with everyone when she comes to school each morning. She is very friendly and always greets her teachers with a cheery “hello” when she sees them throughout the day.  She is easy-going and pleasant with her classmates, too! 

When she first came to our class, we were worried that she might not be able to keep up with the others who have been through levels one to four already, but she has shown us that her English is quite good—especially with regard to comprehension and reading.  She’s also great at math and has a good memory! 

We are so happy to have you with us, Selina! Well done, and continue to keep up the good work.

Panda Class [Amber]

Teacher: Brad, Charlene

We’ve seen some great improvements in Amber over the semester. She has gotten better and better in English, Phonics, Math and more. She did a great job during story-telling competition, and is very good at remembering and memorizing new things, including her graduation speech. She has worked hard to correct her own grammar and tries to help others correct their grammar as well. She is generally very friendly and helpful in class and has an overall nice attitude. I’m happy that Amber is doing so well.  

Keep up the good work!!

Koala Class [Mina]

Teacher: Luke, Joanna

This month’s Super Kid has made great improvements over the last two months. She has worked very hard to try and improve her behavior and her level of attention. In doing this, her English has improved noticeably and she is taking part more in class. I am happy to present this month’s Super Kid award to Mina. 

Bumblebee Class [Renee]

Teacher: Jeannie, Dolly

Our Super Kid for the month of April is a well-rounded little girl. She is a singer, a dancer, an excellent reader and storyteller, a great help in class, a dutiful daughter, and a wonderful sister all rolled into one. She has truly come a long way since she began preschool. Our Super Kid is super mature for her age and is always ready to lend a helping hand. She acts like a little "mother" in class, as she likes to remind everyone of things to be done. We are very proud of her achievements, as she has really worked hard to attain them.

Renee truly deserves to be our Super Kid! Congratulations and we wish you all the best in elementary school! We know that you will excel in all subjects, as you always put your heart and soul in everything you do.