10月份 super kids

Lion class [Shibudi]

Teacher: Michael, Samantha 

Our class Super Kid for the month of October is a boy who has excelled in school since day one. He has shown to be a remarkable student who always tries his best to learn.  He comes to school with a positive attitude, and exudes confidence. He is well-mannered and well-liked by everyone, and he is polite and respectful to all. 

Keep up the amazing work, Shibudi!

Dinosaur Class [Sean]

Teacher: Brent, Dolly

ur Super Kid for October is an all-around great kid and great student! He is very smart, learns quickly, and he already speaks English very well. This Super Kid is not only super in the classroom, where he pays attention, answers questions often, and enjoys learning - he is also very nice to others, shares with others, and is a very happy boy!

This Super Kid does so many good things that he is a great role model for all of the other kids. Congratulations, and keep up the great job, Sean!

Hippo Class [Isaac]

Teacher: Saskia, Stacey

Our Super Kid award this month goes to a young man who is mild-mannered, behaves himself, and listens to his teachers. He always has lots of questions and often raises his hand in class. He participates actively and likes almost every subject. His English is very good as a result of practicing so much—he definitely likes to talk! Recently he has progressed in being less shy, especially on stage. He loves practicing our show and always gives his best effort. A big hand, please, for our “Hong Kong boy”, Isaac!!

Koala Class [Julius]

Teacher: Luke, Joanna

This month’s Super Kid has been working very hard to pay more attention during class and has shown remarkable improvement over the course of the past few months. He has been a smiling face at the front of the class and has recently been participating more and more in class discussions. He is always very eager to tell you about his toys and his home life to improve his speaking ability and has been very resilient in the face of adversity. All of us in Koala Class are very happy to see his recent success and we hope to see more in the future. It is with great pleasure that we present this month’s Super Kid award to Julius.

Dragon Class [Anders]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

We give this Super Kid award to a boy who has shown great improvement in the past month. He started late in Dragon Class and didn’t speak a word of English. He didn’t even know his own English name then. Through determination and enthusiasm in learning, he is fast growing to be a force to reckon with in class. He pays attention and doesn’t get distracted. He tries his best to speak English and is confident when doing his work. He is truly a fast and eager learner. On top of it all, he is friendly and gets along with everybody in class.

We salute Anders for overcoming this obstacle and coming out a victor! Congratulations and we await for more achievements from you!