2月份 super kids

Lion class [Nana]

Teacher: Michael, Samantha 

Our Super Kid in Lion Class for the month of February is a very likeable and easy-going girl. Nana has shown a lot of improvement in her English speaking and reading, and although she speaks in a quiet voice, she is more confident in herself. She is beginning to volunteer more in class discussions, and she is always polite to everyone.

Keep up the great work, Nana!

Dinosaur Class [Casper]

Teacher: Brent, Dolly

This Super Kid from Dinosaur Class is an exceptional kid! He is great in so many ways. Not only is he great in the classroom, but he is also super nice, polite, and fun to be around. This Super Kid is very smart. He pays attention during class, participates often, and learns quickly. He also always has a smile on his face during class - he loves learning! Everybody loves this boy because he is very nice, likes to share, and has a great sense of humor too. He loves to laugh and also enjoys making others laugh.

We are very happy to give this award to a very deserving Super Kid, Casper! Super job!

Hippo Class [Jeslyn]

Teacher: Saskia, Stacey

This energetic and bubbly girl has made a big turnaround recently. We had been working on deportment and manners over the last semester and recently she has improved so much in this area that it is just impossible to ignore! This girl has a very sunny personality and is very talkative. She is curious about life and likes to make friends. She has great potential in performing and public speaking and her English is getting better by the day with all that practice! A big round of applause, please, for Jeslyn!! Keep up the good work, little lady.

Koala Class [Lawrence]

Teacher: Luke, Joanna

This month's Super Kid has shown remarkable improvement in almost every area of his English. He has been making more of an effort to pay attention during class and has been helping out wherever he can. His reading has gotten much better and he is able to follow along with the other students with greater ease. We hope that he will continue to improve upon himself and to see him at the top of the class. I am very pleased to present this month's Super Kid award to Lawrence.

Dragon Class [Mini]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

Our Super Kid for the month of February is one smart cookie. She excels in all the lessons and does her best to speak only English. She has a superb memory as she can remember difficult words with ease. She likes to work hard and play hard and that is why she has many friends.

It is with great pleasure to present this award to a deserving little girl, Mini! Congratulations and keep up the excellent job!

Rhino Class [Boss]

Teacher: James, Charlene

This Super Kid is always the first to answer questions in class. He is the first to follow the directions and never needs being asked twice. He is always smiling and loves to talk in class. He always participates and learns very quickly. But he also likes to help others by pushing in extra chairs and sharing during play time. He is a very lovable kid and deserves this award.

We are very happy to give this month’s Super Kid award to Boss! Super Job!