7月份 super kids

Lion class [Shibudi]

Teacher: Michael, Samantha 

This month's Super Kid for Lion Class has shown remarkable reading and speaking skills. He has always been very polite and hardworking since the start of our summer camp. He is always volunteering to answer questions in class, and he is very quick to finish his book work. He loves to read aloud to the class and he does so in a very clear voice. I am very pleased to present this month's Super Kid award to Shibudi

Dinosaur Class [Sean]

Teacher: Brent, Dolly

It's hard to believe that this Super Kid could improve any more, but he has! He has always been one of the best students, both in the classroom and socially, and he continues to find areas to improve.

This well-rounded boy is usually able to do everything well. Before, he wanted to do everything perfectly, but he could also get upset if he wasn't able to. Now, he understands that he doesn't need to be perfect at anything - as long as he tries his best, his teachers and parents will be happy and proud. Mistakes will happen, and now this super boy is okay with making mistakes, as that's part of learning.  

Keep learning and keep doing your best, Super Kid Sean!

Zebra Class [Anthony]

Teacher: Saskia, Stacey

For the first week that this young man joined our class at CKids, he suffered some separation anxiety and it took a little while for him to become comfortable at school.  Once this subsided, he quickly showed himself to be an intelligent boy who knows many English words and loves to learn. Now, he has adjusted so well that he is our star student! His grasp of English allows him to understand all of the basic instructions we give in class, and he is usually the first one to do what we ask. He also likes to help the other children, leading by example. Although it is still early days for Zebra Class, it isn’t too hard to see that Anthony is definitely a SUPER KID!

Koala Class [Carolyn]

Teacher: Luke, Joanna

This month's Super Kid has been steadily improving over the past few months and has been very helpful to her fellow students. She is always up on time in the afternoon, and she is quick to correct her mistakes. Everyone in Koala Class has recognized her improvement and we look forward to seeing more from her in the future. It is with great pride that we present this month's Super Kid award to Carolyn.

Dragon Class [Kyle]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

This Super Kid has waited for this award for a long time. He continues to strive hard and is not one to give up. There were obstacles along the way to success, but he persevered and showed everyone what he was capable of. His speech may still need some work but he is improving by constantly trying to pronounce words correctly.

This summer turned out to be a surprise for everyone. He is now Coach Kevin’s little helper in the pool, as he assists him by showing all the other kids how to do a stroke. We are all amazed by his transformation from a petrified boy in the water to someone who just loves to be in the water!

Continue to shine and congratulations, Kyle, our Super Kid for the month of July!

Rhino Class [Mino]

Teacher: James, Charlene

This month’s Super Kid has been on a wild rollercoaster ride since he began here at CKids. His behavior has been a work in progress that has greatly improved since the start. Along with the gradual improvement of his behavior, he has absorbed an impressive amount of English. As he continues to speak in full sentences and always reminding the others not to speak in Chinese, I am happy to give this month’s Super Kid award to Mino.