2月份 super kids

Lion class [Jeffrey]

Teacher: Michael, Samantha 

This month’s Super Kid in Lion Class is a bright, yet quiet boy. He has improved so much in his confidence to speak English. He was once a super shy boy who would rarely raise his hand, but has become a regular participant in class. Although he is still shy in front of a large crowd, Jeffrey has improved a lot. He is very good at Math and Science, and his handwriting is very neat with few to no mistakes. Congratulations and keep up the good work, Jeffrey!

Dinosaur Class [Cindy]

Teacher: Brent, Dolly

This month’s Super Kid for Dinosaur Class is a lively, happy, and bright girl! It’s hard not to love this super girl, who has a big heart and an equally big smile, especially since she loves to say, “I love you!” Congratulations, Cindy…we love you, too!

Zebra Class [Jeremy]

Teacher: Saskia, Stacey

This month we are happy to tell you about a student who was not very interested in learning at first, but has made a complete turnaround in the last month. It was hard for this boy to sit still in class or give anything his full focus and he constantly mixed up colors and numbers because he preferred to guess, rather than remember. However, he now sits and listens attentively, tries his utmost to learn vocabulary and puts in diligent effort on his workbooks. For these reasons, Jeremy now joins the ranks of the SUPER KIDS!!!! Keep it up, little man.

Koala Class [Carolyn]

Teacher: Luke, Joanna

This month's Super Kid has been working extremely hard since starting in Koala Class, and she is still working hard to this day! She started learning after everyone else, but learned very quickly and is now among the top the class! She has always tried to maintain a good attitude towards learning, and she does her best to be nice to those around her. I am very pleased to present this month's Super Kid award to Carolyn.

Dragon Class [Mini]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

Our Super Kid for the month of February has truly matured ever since her baby sister was born. She is happier and more helpful in more ways than one. She follows all the class rules and takes care of the younger ones in class. She will definitely win Miss Congeniality, as everyone wants to play with her! We are sure that our Super Kid will do wonders when she goes to elementary school this fall. Have no fear, as Super Mini is here to conquer all! Congratulations Mini and we await greater achievements from you in the future!

Rhino Class [Wesley]

Teacher: James, Charlene

This student has worked very hard in class. He is a lovable rhino that everyone likes to play with. He loves to jump around and sing louder than all the other rhinos. When he first arrived at CKids, he struggled with his speech. But with hard work and patience, it’s almost as if he is a different student. I’m very happy to give this month’s Super Kid award to Wesley! Keep up the great work!