6月份 super kids

Lion class [Shibudi]

Teacher: Michael, Samantha 

Our last Super Kid for Lion Class has consistently been a super student. He always listens carefully, and tries his best to be perfect in all areas of his school life.  Shibudi is a leader in class, both academically and socially. Although he still sometimes gets upset or nervous when he makes a mistake, he has improved a lot since Level 1. He has been a pleasure to teach, and I know he will excel in elementary school. Great job, Shibudi!

Dinosaur class [Sophie]

Teacher: Brent, Dolly

This Super Kid is one of the sweetest kids in all of CKids! Though she may seem shy, she actually really likes to talk a lot. She is always kind to others, and she loves giving gifts to others. She likes making people happy.

No matter what is happening, this easy-going girl always stays calm, and she almost always has a big, happy smile on her face. She is very content. Some may think she is slow, but she just likes doing things in a relaxed way. It's her style, and I like it!

Stay the way you are: "Cool, calm, and collected" Sophie! And always stay happy. Congratulations, Super Kid Sophie!

Zebra Class [Momo]

Teacher: Saskia, Stacey

Our last Super Kid for Level 2 is a very special young lady with a uniquely contagious smile. When she first came to CKids, she was very solemn and didn’t get out of herself much, but all that has changed to where she is now, one of the most lively and happy kids in the bunch. Recently she has been doing better on her English and memorizing of new vocabulary words and we are very proud of the progress she has made so far.

A big round of applause, please, for Momo! Keep up the good work!

Koala Class [Lawrence]

Teacher: Luke, Joanna

This month’s Super Kid has worked very hard to get here today. He has always shown a great spirit when it comes to his English learning. We here in Koala class are all very proud of him and we hope that he will take that same spirit with him to elementary school. It is my great pleasure to present this month’s Super Kid award to Lawrence.

Dragon Class [Alonzo]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

Our Super Kid for the month of June is a talker. He can talk about anything in the world and will never, ever stop until you say so. His stories are pretty amusing and the facial expressions that go along with his stories are even more entertaining. J

This Super Boy is also a hard working student. He finishes his work and likes to read out loud. Although his handwriting skills still need work, he doesn’t give up and continues to strive harder.

That is why we would like to give this award to…A-L-O-N-Z-O, Alonzo! Great job and congratulations!!! We know you will make us prouder when you go to elementary school. We wish you all the best! Reach for the sky and don’t settle for second best!

Rhino Class [Bella]

Teacher: James, Charlene

This month’s Super Kid has worked so hard recently. She loves to smile and is never afraid of answering a question wrong. Her pronunciation is second to none in our class and has demonstrated this skill when reading. She has also missed a few weeks of school in the past month and a half. This makes her recent success even more amazing to me. I’m excited to continue working with this energetic, polite, and funny little girl. Rhino’s Super Kid of the month is Bella!