10月份 super kids

Cobra class [Mica]

Teacher: Michael, Joanna 

Our Super Kid in Cobra Class for the month of October is fairly new to our class, but she has proven to be a great student and a wonderful little girl. Mica is a delight to teach, and I’m so glad she is in my class. She is a leader among her classmates, and is well-liked by all of them. She is very attentive in class, and she loves to chime in with comments and questions in classroom discussions.  Congratulations, and keep up the amazing work, Mica!

Dinosaur class [Enzo]

Teacher: Ariana, Dolly

Dinosaur’s Super Kid this month is a student who has worked very hard. He used to be scared to try many things, but slowly he has overcome his fear. Now he can even watch the Halloween video! This Super Kid is also very nice and considerate towards his classmates. He likes to help when he sees someone having trouble. This student is also very bright, and when we do our work in class he is often the first one finished. October’s Super Kid is the very nice, and handsome, ENZO!

Zebra Class [Haruyo]

Teacher: Saskia, Karcida

This Super Kid is now overdue for some commendation and recognition for good behavior! This young lady has made a turnaround in the last few months and become more attentive in class than ever before. She gets ready on time and knows when it is time to talk and when it is time to listen to her teachers. She has a wonderful, sunny personality and is always smiling and happy every day. She is also very smart and learns new things quickly. All these and more are reasons why our Haruyo is one super kid!!! 

Keep it up, kiddo!

Dolphin Class [Wesley]

Teacher: Sara, Leigh

Our Super Kid this month is a boy who has shown a lot of improvement. He used to be very shy to talk but now is always raising his hand. He can say the sentence patterns without being prompted and his pronunciation is improving daily. He is always very quick to learn the weekly song and loves to sing it (sometimes during other activities). He is always laughing and having fun with his friends. He likes to play and is very good at sharing his toys with other students.

Congratulations, Wesley! Keep on improving!

Dragon Class [Carolyn]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

October’s Super Kid was welcomed by Dragon Class just the past summer. This vibrant young lady fit right into the class and became friends with everyone in a jiffy! She is always on the lookout for classmates who need help, as being helpful is one of her best virtues. Her reading and speaking skills are excellent and it doesn’t take much prodding for her to finish all her work. She’s a quick and neat worker.

We are glad to have her in Dragon Class as she brightens up our days with her inquisitive mind and contagious smile! Keep up the great job and congratulations, Carolyn! May your star continue to shine brighter than ever!

Rhino Class [Boss]

Teacher: James, Charlene

This month’s Super Kid has always been super. He has always been so super that it’s hard to give it to him because even his bad days are super. He is really determined to be great in class. Often he will ask how to spell words and prove to me that he can do things I didn’t think he could. For instance, he has an ability to remember full songs after 20 minutes of practice. Even his lines from our play were memorized in one day. Because of the hard work he puts in and the way he pushes himself each day, I know he has a bright future. Not to mention, his consistency with his behavior and studies make me want to give the award to him every month. Congratulations to this month’s Super Kid, Boss!