12月份 super kids

Cobra class [Nana]

Teacher: Michael, Joanna 

Our Super Kid for December in Cobra Class is a very smart and cute girl. Nana has shown that she loves to learn English. She listens well in class and she asks a lot of questions. She is very good at remembering new words, and she always tries her best to communicate in English. Good job, and keep up the great work, Nana!

Dinosaur class [Jasper]

Teacher: Ariana, Dolly

Dinosaur’s Super Kid for the month of December is a kid that has worked very hard to get to where he is at today. This Super Kid used to give up when a math problem was too hard, but now this Super Kid will try first and can usually work it out on his own. He sometimes cries easily, but he is learning to use his words and is succeeding. This Super Kid can always be found with a smile on his face, and he loves to laugh, except on Mondays. He made an amazing rocker in the Christmas show, and put on a great show. Congratulations and keep up the good work, Jasper!

Zebra Class [Mindy]

Teacher: Saskia, Karcida

There are many words that could describe this lovely girl: sweet, sincere, easy-going, caring, intelligent, practical and responsible, to name a few. She is the little mother of our class, always helping the others and showing out-going concern and gentleness to all. This girl does not only speak both English and Chinese, but she speaks Japanese as well! She loves math and because she studies so well, I often refer to her affectionately as my little “Mindy computer”. It follows that the final word to describe this wonderful child should be “super”!

Congratulations, Mindy!

Dolphin Class [Trina]

Teacher: Sara, Peggy

December’s Super Kid for Dolphin Class is a girl who has really come out of her shell. She used to cry everyday at school and was extremely shy. Now she sings loudly, answers the teacher’s questions and is constantly laughing.

She is getting better at paying attention and being able to do the workbook on her own. Sometimes she doesn’t need any help from the teachers. The teachers used to have to call her name at least 10 times for her to pay attention but now it is only one or two times. She is always laughing and having fun with her teachers and friends. We are so happy to have her in Dolphin Class.

Congratulations, Trina!

Dragon Class [Isa]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

This month’s Super Kid used to be very shy and moved in slow motion. Nothing seems to excite her. You can hardly hear her in class and in school as she speaks in a very low and soft voice. We have been encouraging her to speak louder and to act faster and alas! This little lass has grown up and has finally come out from her shell. She is more active and likes to try and do different activities to improve her coordination and balance. She works and moves so fast now that she would be the first one to finish her work at times! Now that’s what I call improvement! We truly wish her all the best when she goes to elementary school in June! She is not just beautiful but she also has the smarts to complete the package! Congratulations to Isa and may you continue to shine brighter!

Rhino Class [Ruby]

Teacher: James, Charlene

I am very happy for this month’s Super Kid. This student has worked very hard on improving her reading and writing. She has had some problems in the past with staying awake in class and following along in the mornings. But she is also trying very hard at improving and shows us her efforts each day. For instance, she has improved her ability to read phonetically because she does a phenomenal job using the rules of reading when attempting new words. I’m very proud of this month’s Super Kid for all the hard work she has put in on limited sleep.

Congratulations to Ruby!