8月份 super kids

Cobra class [Atticus]

Teacher: Michael, Joanna 

Our Super Kid in Cobra class for the month of August is a very cute and funny boy.  Atticus is always full of happiness and fun. Although it took him a while to adjust to school life in the beginning, he is quickly improving in his abilities. Even when it seems like he is not listening or paying attention, he will surprise you with his memory. He can learn the words to our English songs fairly quickly. He’s always laughing and in good spirits when he’s at school. 

Good job, and keep it up, Atticus!

Phoenix class [Parker]

Teacher: Ariana, Dolly

This month, Phoenix has a very special boy for their Super Kid. This little boy has come a long way since the beginning of the summer. He used to cry a lot, and he didn’t trust anybody enough to let them help him. Now, he very rarely cries, and if he does, he gets over it quickly. He has also learned to ask for help when he needs it. He has also improved a lot in terms of his English, he now recognizes the numbers, and he can say some simple sentences very well. And most importantly, he now eats with no problem! So keep up the good work, Parker!

Congratulations on being our Super Kid!

Zebra Class [Harrison]

Teacher: Saskia, Karcida

One of our new students in Zebra Class is deserving of this Super Kid award for good behavior in class, following the class rules and having a good attitude toward studying. This student is known for being quiet; in fact, he is known for not saying anything at all! He is a “man of few words”. However, this does not stop him from participating, singing the Weekly Songs and learning new vocabulary. Recently he has begun speaking more; especially to his teachers and very recently, in play time with friends. We are confident that as his comfort level with us grows, we will see excellent things from this intelligent young man, Harrison! Keep up the good work!

Dolphin Class [Honey]

Teacher: Sara, Peggy

Dolphin Class’s Super Kid for August is a girl who has been extremely helpful during summer session. She has stepped up to take more of a leadership role and to create a good example to the new students in the class. Her English ability is exceptional and she can have full conversations. I can always rely on her to answer my questions and also to provide additional stories or anecdotes about our discussion topic. She always wants to share how much she knows by counting for me or saying new example words for the letters. She has been learning to be happy for her classmates when they win and has developed better sportsmanship during game times.

Congratulations to our August Super Kid….Honey! Keep up the good work!

Unicorn Class [Ann]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

This little girl used to cry a lot especially in the morning as it took her some time to get used to school life. She did not want to participate in any school or class activity and was also picky with her food. But all that changed after a month in school, our Super Kid is now a happy little girl who likes to speak English and eats whatever is given to her. She is one of the few students who raises her hand to answer a question or to volunteer in class and she even encourages all her classmates to speak English like her! We are so proud of her improvement and that is why we have decided to give this Super Kid award to her!

Congratulations, Ann! May you continue to give your best in class!!

Rhino Class [Carrie]

Teacher: Adam, Dana

Our Super Kid from Rhino Class this month pleasantly surprised her new teacher, Adam, with a huge leap in confidence this summer. At times too shy to speak in front of her new teacher at the beginning of the semester, she is now often the first to raise her hand to read, answer a question, or even sing our class song all by herself! Teachers love to see their students feel comfortable in the classroom, especially when it comes with a big smile!

Great job this month, Carrie!