9月份 super kids

Cobra class [Max]

Teacher: Michael, Joanna 

Our Super Kid in Cobra Class for the month of September is Max! Max has improved a lot lately, and he has shown that is more willing to try hard and learn.  Even when he encounters challenges, he can face them, and he doesn’t give up.  Max has also improved in his social skills. He is more relaxed and likeable to his classmates.

Congratulations, and keep up the good work, Max!

Phoenix class [Sienna]

Teacher: Ariana, Dolly

This month, Phoenix’s Super Kid is a very nice little girl. She has come a long way since the beginning of the semester. She can now eat on par with the rest of her classmates, and even raves about the curry to her mom. She has slowly come out of her shell, and is now beginning to make jokes and laugh quite freely. She has always been very kind, and caring towards her classmates with her actions, but now she is beginning to vocalize it as well. She is also a very smart girl, and can remember things very quickly. She also gets very excited to try new activities and games. We look forward to seeing all the things you can accomplish! Congratulations, Sienna!

Zebra Class [Sophia]

Teacher: Saskia, Karcida

A new addition to our class has proven herself to be an outstanding student.  When it comes to learning a new poem or song for Sing & Rhyme, memorizing new vocabulary, reading or writing, this student has it covered! She has a very quick mind and a sharp memory along with bundles of energy that her teachers are always looking to channel. She has been making steady improvements socially since joining our class, as well, and she is better able to follow the class rules. All this adds up to one Super Kid!

Keep up the great work, Sophia!

Dolphin Class [Sherry]

Teacher: Sara, Peggy

This student has been such a bright and joyful addition to Dolphin Class. She has not cried or complained and just follows the other students to understand class rules.

She is always loud and clear while speaking and is not afraid to speak in English. She has easily made friends and is very well liked by her classmates.

Her English ability is at a very high level, so is her writing and phonics. It is very easy to teach her as she is always participating and trying to be a part of discussion. We are so happy to have you in Dolphin Class.

Congratulations and keep up the good work….Sherry!

Unicorn Class [Aidan]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

Let me count the ways why this Super Boy deserve this award…he follows all the class rules, he doesn’t get into any trouble, he helps the younger ones in class, he is friendly and plays well with everyone, he does his work neatly and completely, he tries to speak English only, and he always gives 100% to whatever he is doing. It is no wonder that he has improved so much in the past three months.

Our Super Kid has come a long way and I can see that he will do amazing things in the future! He is one smart and loving little boy and I cannot wait to see him achieve his dreams!

Congratulations, Aidan! You are our September Super Kid! Keep up the great work!!

Rhino Class [Wesley]

Teacher: Adam, Dana

The Super Kid from Rhino Class has had a big transformation in the last year. His new teacher Adam couldn’t believe that he used to be the timid kid in class; he is now brimming with confidence and enthusiasm. His schoolwork is consistently impressive and he enjoys reading in class. Above all these attributes is his ability to be kind and friendly to everyone in the classroom at all times. When other students are fighting, he never takes part.

Great job this month, Wesley!