1月份 super kids

Cobra class [Nana]

Teacher: Michael, Joanna 

This month’s Super Kid is a very petite and polite little girl. Nana is at the top of the class academically, as she has a terrific memory, and impeccable pronunciation.  Nana is also a very likeable girl. Everyone likes her and wants to be her friend.  She is a very good reader, and she loves to sing our weekly songs. 

Congratulations, and keep up the great work, Nana!

Phoenix class [Aria]

Teacher: Ariana, Dolly

Our Super Kid for the month of January is a young lady that has been steadily improving since the beginning of the semester. She started off the semester with little understanding of what “personal space” is, but now she can keep her hands to herself and off of her classmates and their belongings. Her class work has also greatly improved, and she can now follow directions and do the work well. Most of all, she has a great memory for stories and songs. Most Fridays, her voice is the loudest one out of Phoenix Class. So congratulations to our little singer, ARIA, for being the Super Kid for the month of January!

Congratulations and keep up the great work, Aria!!

Zebra Class [Joy]

Teacher: Saskia, Karcida

Our Super Kid for this month has made a lot of progress over the last semester.  From grasping important concepts in math to making huge strides toward fluently reading on her own, this young lady has become one of our top students, recently. 

She gets along very well with her classmates and is always pleasant to be around, so she is very well liked. She also has the most beautiful handwriting in Zebra Class and takes great pains to make each and every page that she works on a wonderful work of art. 

We very proud of Joy and all that she has accomplished with us. Keep up the fantastic work in Level 6!

Dolphin Class [Stepan]

Teacher: Sara, Peggy

This month’s Super Kid is someone who has been with Dolphin Class since Level 1 but hasn’t had the opportunity to receive it yet. This student is a bright young boy who is full of energy and enthusiasm. He loves to be a part of every discussion (including ones between the teachers). He is very expressive and loves to talk to anyone who is listening. He will try his hardest to explain what he is trying to get across in English.

In the past we have talked to this student about being too aggressive but he has recently matured a lot and calmed down. He really cares for his teachers and classmates and is becoming more aware of his body and how to control it.

Great job, we look forward to your future progress.

Unicorn Class [Peter]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

Unicorn’s Super Kid for the month of January is a little boy who has proven to us that big things come in small packages! He is one of the best speakers in class and his memory is superb! He can remember words and sentences in a jiffy and has no problem retaining them at all. His work has improved a lot as he can color and trace neatly now! He follows directions well but he still needs to remember to give some personal space to his friends.

Congratulations, Peter, for a job well done! Keep it up and make us even prouder!

Rhino Class [Wesley]

Teacher: Adam, Dana

Rhino’s Super Kid is a well-rounded student with a great attitude. He is a fitting choice for this month because he regularly uses good manners and is kind to his teachers and fellow classmates. This kid shows up early to school everyday, ready to learn and participate in class. We can always count on him to answer questions correctly and set a good example for the other students. I’m sure he will have another productive semester and we look forward to the next few months!

Great job, Wesley!