2月份 super kids

Cobra class [Ryan]

Teacher: Michael, Joanna 

Our Super Kid in Cobra Class for the month of February is a very smart and vocal boy. He can always be heard, even by others who are not on our 3rd floor. He likes to show his intelligence, and he is not afraid to correct his teachers. Although he often talks too much in class, Ryan really is a little genius. He can do complicated mental arithmetic without writing it down. His memory is exceptionally excellent.  Good job, and keep up the great work, Ryan!

Phoenix class [Tim]

Teacher: Ariana, Dolly

Our Super Kid for the month of February has come a long way since the beginning of the semester. He has improved both in his academics, and his behavior. He now comes to school very happily, and is always excited to participate. He can still get a little shy at times, but overall he has greatly improved. His behavior is also much better, he can now share nicely with his classmates, and he enjoys playing well with others. He won the Manners Prize last month, and now he is the Super Kid for February!

Congratulations, Tim! Keep up the great work!

Zebra Class [Zooey]

Teacher: Saskia, Karcida

She is the most outgoing and inquisitive kid in Zebra Class. She is full of energy and bounces around the classroom with a never-ending enthusiasm. She loves to talk endlessly, make up her own jokes and riddles and ask questions of her teachers on every subject imaginable. This student is very intelligent and puts her intelligence to use in every subject, from phonics reading to science. She gets along well with others and always brings a special ray of sunshine wherever she goes. Her name is Zooey and she is one SUPER KID!! 

Keep smiling and keep learning. We love you and are very proud of you!

Dolphin Class [Trina]

Teacher: Sara, Peggy

The Super Kid for Dolphin Class is a girl who has really excelled with her schoolwork recently. Everyday she comes out of her shell more and more and likes to talk, laugh, and joke around. She really likes to dance and does a lot during break time.

We have been really proud of her writing ability. She can write Aa – Zz very quickly, nicely, and in the correct spaces. She repeats sentence patterns after hearing them one time. She used to be one of the last students to finish her math work but now she is one of the first!

We look forward to your future progress in learning and growing as a student and person. Congratulations, Trina!

Unicorn Class [Sydney]

Teacher: Jeannie, Anita

Our Super Kids for the month of February is one of the smartest kids in class. Her listening and speaking skills have improved so much that it is seldom for you to hear her speak Chinese. Sometimes, she even uses English words that are not even taught yet. She loves to sing and dance and loves playing and sharing her toys with everyone in class. It is no wonder why she has a lot of friends. She is one of the few who can sit nicely and properly in class and rarely gets distracted. She has a great memory as she can remember our vocabulary words and sentence patterns quickly. She always strives hard to be the best in class!

Congratulations to our Super Kid, Sydney! You definitely deserve this award for your excellence in class! Keep up the wonderful job!

Rhino Class [Carrie]

Teacher: Adam, Dana

Rhino’s Super Kid this month continues to impress her teachers with her ability to learn quickly and excel in all subjects. She is intelligent and creative and presents a good example for the rest of the class. This student always uses her imagination and sense of humor to make learning fun, drawing her classmates to her. She is up for any challenge and is enthusiastic about trying new things. We appreciate all her hard work and her especially good behavior this month.

Keep up the good work and I’m sure we will have another great semester! Good job, Carrie!