6月份 super kids

Polar Bear class [Harper]

Teacher: Michael, Tiffany 

This month we are pleased to announce that our Super Kid in Polar Bear Class is Harper! Harper has come a long way since joining our class. Not only does she have a great memory for new English words, but she has improved in her ability to interact and get along with others. Her personality is bubbly and infectious. She will be very much missed in Polar Bear Class. Good luck, and always aim for the stars, Harper!

Gator class [Ricky]

Teacher: Maggie, Dolly

This month’s Super Kid is a boy who has matured a lot these last few months. In the past, he used to cry a lot. This was especially true when the teacher told him to follow a rule that he didn’t want to follow. Now, he knows that sometimes he needs to use his words to explain himself. At other times, he just needs to listen to the teacher. Now that he knows these things, he doesn’t need to cry and is much happier. Also, he learned the alphabet really well and is quickly learning to read. His confidence is growing and he’s raising his hand more in class. If this Super Kid keeps it up, he is on his way to becoming as brave and smart as Buzz Lightyear when he grows up. Congratulations, Ricky!

Leopard Class [Anderson]

Teacher: Louis, Karcida

This student has waited a long time for this prestigious award. He has worked extremely hard on all of his work but he didn’t quite understand how to focus in the classroom. I am proud to say that after working with him for this whole year, he is ready to move on. He has shown me he is capable of changing his behavior to become a good student and a good person. Even though there is still a lot of work to be done in elementary school, I know he is ready for anything that comes his way. Congratulations, Anderson! You have worked very hard this year and I know you understand the concept of work hard and play hard. Good job, Anderson!

Wallaby Class [Joanne]

Teacher: Richard, Joanna

The Super Kid in Wallaby Class for the month of June is a very special girl. She has improved greatly in the past few months. Her handwriting is beautiful and she is always one of the first to finish their work. She is always helpful to her teachers and is always willing to help out. For all these reasons and more, the Super Kid from Wallaby Class is Joanne! You will be missed by all when you leave for your new school, but I know you will do great things in the future! Congratulations!

Beagle Class [Davidson]

Teacher: Thomas, Anita

This month’s Super Kid goes to Davidson. Davidson likes to play and have fun. He is always smiling and giggling. He sometimes sits facing the wrong way in class and daydreams a lot. He has been trying very hard lately and daydreams less than before. He likes to participate and tries very hard with his school work. Congratulations to this month’s Super Kid, Davidson!

Lemur Class [Max]

Teacher: Marco, Dana

Our final Super Kid for Lemur Class is a special little Lemur who has overcome a lot of obstacles. In the past, he has forgotten lines in our show…twice! He had so much trouble reading. He always misbehaved… like in Level one when he snuck away to the third floor just to see what’s going on. But he has grown and changed so much. He won the storytelling competition this year! He even memorized every other story the class had. He didn’t miss one line during our show and everyone loved his performance. Most importantly, he has worked hard on improving his reading and has never stopped working hard. For such hard work, perseverance, and good smelling hair, Max is our Lemur Super Kid for June!