11€ë¥÷ super kids

Dinosaur Class [Natasha]

Sally: Natasha is a mature and senior kid. She is a big sister in Dinosaur class. She teaches the other Dinosaur students some daily manners. If she speaks English in class, everybody will follow her. She helps teachers a lot in class. Good job, Natasha!     

Jay: Natasha is Super Kid because she liked and participated in all our Thanksgiving activities. She constantly encourages her classmates to speak English and is a big help to her teachers with some of the younger children. She is a very big part of our upcoming play and without her help in practices our jobs would be much harder. She also loves to speak English at home!

Phoenix Class [Wendy]

Tiffany: Wendy always comes to school early and says good morning to teachers and her friends. She likes to share her toys with everyone. When we practice our pay, she can remember her lines and helps her friends, too. Congratulations Wendy!  

Jake:  Wendy always tries hard to perfect her pronunciation when she is reading, and to remember all of our vocabulary words during English class. She usually starts out learning new things slowly and carefully, but is able to master anything she puts her mind to. Wendy is always polite, and listens to her teachers. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to teach Wendy, she is a wonderful addition to Phoenix class.  

Dolphin Class [Eason]


Michelle: Our Superkid for the month of November was Eason. His behavior has improved dramatically in the last month. He is able to concentrate more in class and ignore those boys playing around him. His reading and writing has also improved and he has a much netter ear for phonics when it comes to spelling during dictation. He was a great students overall this month.      

Puppy Class [Rita]


Ben: Rita listens and follows directions well. She has been doing a great job this past month in math, reading, and remembering key vocabulary words. She has also been doing a great job acting and remembering her lines for the play.