5月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Ryan]

Sally: The Super Kid for this month is Ryan. He cried every day 2 months ago, but now he is a brave boy. He liked to interrupt the class before, but now he is getting better. He didn’t like to eat in lunch time, he eats everything especially vegetables now. He has been improving a lot. Great Job Ryan!         

Jay: Ryan is Super Kid for May. He had good behavior this month and brought a cheerful attitude everyday. He has played and participated with other students nicely this month. Ryan even told a story so well that he won a competition we held earlier in the month. 

Phoenix Class [Jessie]

Tiffany: Jessie is the Super Kid for this month because she always tried her best to do everything. She is always friendly to everyone so everyone likes to play with her. Keep the great work in elementary school.       

Jake:  Jessie is this month’s Super Kid. Jessie has always been a very mature student. She is nice to her classmates and her teachers. She always works hard and doesn’t settle for anything less than perfect.       

Dolphin Class [Andy]

Casey: Andy listened to our order better than before. His mom asked him to pay attention in class. He tried hard to show us. I can tell he is smart if he concentrates on all the work. I hope he can improve his attendance.            

Michelle:  Andy has worked very hard this month to concentrate in class. We’ve seen Andy mature over the last few months. He is becoming much better at controlling his emotions and his behavior. He no longer resorts to hitting when he is upset. He has also been working hard to memorize his graduation speech and dancing and songs for the graduation play.         

Puppy Class [Timmy]

Vanessa: Timmy tried his best in class after he took a long vacation. However, he doesn’t sleep at the nap time. I hope he will work on this part next month.

Ben: Timmy is going to be the Super Kid for this month. He is always a good friend to the other students and helps others out when he can.