6月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Eden]

Sally: The Super Kid for this month is Eden. He is a mature kid who has a great attitude towards his lessons, does his work, and has a good memory to remember phonics. He loves to perform in front of everyone and he is never shy. Besides, he always opens arms when he meets a person.         

Jay: Eden is Superkid because he has been a very attentive and well behaved student every day since he came to CKids. He is caring towards others and thoughtful. Eden sets a great example for other kids by listening to his teachers and following instructions as best he can. 

Dolphin Class [Eason]

Casey: Our Super Kid is Eason. He tried so hard to get the most stars in class. he usually finishes everything fast and properly. Also, he helped teachers a lot. After we corrected his bad behaviors, he listened to us right away. He learned how to deal with friends. He grew up fast in this semester.            

Michelle:  Eason has been working very hard in recent months to become Superkid. He is concentrating on his lessons and paying attention in class. Eason is a good friend to his fellow classmates. He shares well and tries to include everyone when playing. We are extremely proud of his progress in Phonics and his performance in the Graduation Play. Way to go, Eason!         

Puppy Class [Katy]

Vanessa: The Super Kid for this month is Katy, because her math improved a lot. She learned it from terry. She is a good helper, too.

Ben: Katy's contributions in class this month have shown the same steady improvement.  She was attentive, a hard-worker, continually punctual and always had one of the most positive attitudes in the class.