9月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Dustin]

Sally: Dustin always has happy smile and he is very passionate to everyone. Dustin has good manners. He always says hello when he meets someone or he will show a scared face when he wants to scare you. He is really cute. Dustin is so polite, ex: he always asks someone can you… or please… He tells somebody if they did something wrong and he will help if somebody gets hurt.         

Matt: Dustin was the Super Kid this month for Dinosaur class. He has improved his behavior a lot and has been better at keeping his focus in the classroom. He has also been able to sit quietly during class and answer my questions correctly. He overall seems happier to been in school than the month before. I have seen a lot of improvements in Dustin overall and I hope his progress continues. 

Dolphin Class [Roy]

Casey: Roy tried to get lots of stars to be the Super Kid. He showed better manners and behaviors in class. He seldom plays or bothers people, too. He improved everything this month.            

Michelle:  Roy has been trying very hard in class to pay attention and earn stars. He is very proud of his behavior in class. He is more attentive and more cooperative. He also actively participates in all our songs and no longer shouts out the answers in class. He is generally trying to be more helpful and is becoming more aware of what it means to be a good student.         

Puppy Class [Jasmine]

Vanessa: This month Super Kid is Jasmine. She improved her phonics a lot. She didn’t like to read and she couldn’t sound out words properly before. She is a very good learner now.

Richard: This month’s super kid was very easy to select. She had trouble with phonics and math. Just when I thought she was about to give up, she tried even harder and pushed herself to the limits. She is now a strong reader who completes her math on her own and faster than most. Give it up for this month’s super kid Jasmine.          

Giraffe Class [Sophie]

Teresa: Sophie always pays attention in class. She was very quiet but she can speak very loud and play with everyone now. She can finish the work that T. Brad asks her to do, so she is the Super Kid in Giraffe class.

Brad:  I would like to give the Super Kid award to Sophie for her great efforts in the month of September. Sophie always pays attention during class and she has become more creative and enjoys participating in classroom activities. She has a beautiful smile is so much fun and kind to her friends.