11月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Ethan]

Sally: Ethan has improved so much this month. He tried to sit nicely in class and paid attention. He also listened well to follow direction. He was respect to teachers when he was talking on the phone. We’re proud of you, Ethan!         

Jon: Ethan is our super kid this month. He has been improving in all areas but his biggest improvement is in Phonics. Ethan has done an exceptional job learning the root words in Phonics. 

Dolphin Class [Enzo, Paul]

Casey: Enzo tried to get along with kids. He shared more stories of his family. His listening is getting better. He looks happy and smiles a lot. He did a great job in the play, too.            

Michelle:  Enzo is doing much better fitting into the class. He is happy and he is much more comfortable in Dolphin Class now. He has friends and is no longer moody and withdrawn. He is also much more attentive in class and he has made the most improvement in the play.  

We would like to give a Most Improved award to Paul. This month he worked very hard to concentrate in class and cooperate with his friends. His behavior is much better. His pronunciation has also improved and he now enjoys reading and telling time. I’m very prod of him.     

Puppy Class [Jasmine]

Vanessa: Jasmine has improved a lot on the phonics. She likes to read in class. Jasmine is a model in class. She shows good examples to her classmates. She is also a good helper, too. She always takes care of her classmates.

Richard: Jasmine has been doing really amazing things last month. She dazzled us with her math skills and surprised us with how many words she can actually read by sounding them out. There was once a time where if you asked Jasmine if she enjoyed math and phonics, she would say “no.” But if you asked her today she would tell you the exact opposite.          

Giraffe Class [Jenny]

Teresa: Jenny has paid more attention in class. She is friendly to everybody. Her listening has improved. Keep going Jenny!

Brad:  Jenny has worked hard, takes great care in doing her work, has made friends and is by nature a polite and friendly girl. She is making some very good progress. Good job Jenny!