1月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Cooper]

Sally: This student has been a Super Kid this month. First, he always listens to his teacher; thus, quick to pick up new materials and makes sure to do his best. Second, he is always happy to participate in class and loves to answer questions. Then this Super Kid is always helpful. Next, his English pronunciation is also commendable. Eventually, we are pleased to announce that our Super Kid is Cooper!         

Jon: Cooper is the Super Kid this month. Cooper always completes his work quickly and correctly. He is extremely well mannered and always willing help the teachers. Cooper is well liked by the other kids and is a model student. 

Dolphin Class [Shana]

Casey: Shana listens to teachers so well that she learns every thing fast. She usually helps her friends. She seldom tells on others, too. She is humble and kind in class. When everyone is playing with toys, she shares with them. Also, I have to say she is a great singer!            

Michelle:  Shana is our January Super Kid. She is a very good friend and plays well with others. She is a very loving and caring person. She also concentrates very hard on her work and has improved a lot in math.     

Puppy Class [Rita]

Vanessa: Rita is well participated in all ways. She comes to school on time. She understands and shares things with her friends. And the biggest improvement she made is she eats faster now. She used to cry and tell teacher that she didn’t want to be the last one. Now, she can finish her meals quickly. Congratulations!

Richard: Rita is an amazing student with a lot of potential. She never turns down a challenge and is ready to learn new things. She is well spoken and has dazzled us with her story telling. She is this month’s super kid because she has improved the most and has become very responsible.          

Giraffe Class [Kevin]

Teresa: Kevin has improved a lot. He used to cry in the morning, but he is happy in the morning now. Kevin participates more often in class. He answers teacher’s questions and helps his classmates in class, too. Good job, Kevin!

Brad:  Kevin is our Super Kid for January. He is not crying in the morning and is working very hard to do his best. Great effort and great attitude towards work and school. He is making friends and plays with everyone. His manners are an excellent example for the rest of the class. Way to go Kevin, keep up the good work!