11月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Cherry]

Sally: Cherry is the Super Kid for this month. She likes to repeat what teacher says, she is happy to participate in class. In addition, she loves to answer questions during class. Besides, she has big improvement in reading. She tries to read every word by herself. Not only her reading is getting better, she also consistently works hard and does her best. She always tries to improve herself.         

Spencer:  Cherry has improved a lot. Her reading is much better. She has improved in her pronunciation and her listening. I find that less and less she has to correct her work. I am very proud of Cherry. 

Cheetah Class [Britney]

Helen: Britney was shy to speak and didn’t want to perform in front of others before. She has a very big improvement this month. She dances and sings with everybody. She is always happy and being very good in lunch and nap time. I like her smile.            

Richard:  Britney is a really quiet girl who refused to move or dance has been transformed into an active and social person. She loves to talk and speaks loud when spoken to. She has warmed up to dancing with our class, but still remains shy in the morning in front of other classes. One thing at a time. We are very proud that she finally came out of her shell.    

Giraffe Class [Evan]

Tiffany: Evan is the youngest in Giraffe class. He has worked so hard in learning everything. He is friendly and amicable to everyone. Keep going Evan!

Mai:  Evan has really learned a lot! His participation has increased and his interest in learning and playing is obvious. He has had to work hard, but it is paying off.