1月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Ethan]

Sally: Ethan is funny and he always brings joy to everybody. He has many creative ideas and inspires everyone. He has good memory so he learns things fast. Congratulations!         

Spencer:  Ethan is our class comedian. He is always doing his best to make everyone laugh. He is very smart. His reading is great and he has a good heart. He may have a lot of energy, but he always uses it to put a smile on everyone’s face. 

Cheetah Class [Peter]

Helen: Peter has been working really hard in class.  He had hard time understanding and speaking English in the beginning, but he tried very hard to catch up.  And he is also very friendly to his classmates.  Good job, Peter!            

Richard:  Our newest member of Cheetah class has worked very hard to catch up to where we are. He is very helpful in class. He likes to share his ideas and always participates. Everyone feeds off his energy and his positive attitude. He is truly a super kid. Keep up the great work Peter.    

Giraffe Class [Kevin]

Tiffany: Kevin is happy every day. He is also polite and friendly to his friends and teachers. Congratulations! Super Kid Kevin!

Mai:  Kevin really deserves to be Super Kid this month. He overcame his fear of the unknown and is working very hard to learn and understand, not just memorize. His reading skills have improved and he has overcome his shyness. Congratulations!