6月份 super kids

Dinosaur Class [Andrew]

Sally: Our super kid this month is Andrew, he is kindness to everyone. When he sees someone is sad or needs help, he will help them. He is so nice to everyone and always takes care about his friends. He likes to share his toys on Friday. He always smiles, too. He tries his best to come to school on time, so as not to miss any of the subjects. He works hard to pay attention in class, and his math skills are excellent. Congratulations!        

Spencer:  Andrew is a joy to have in class. He has come a long way since joining Dinosaur class. He has become proficient in all our subjects. He has many friends in class. I wish him the best in the future.

Cheetah Class [Chloe]

Helen: Chloe has been in Cheetah Class for one semester now. She is a sweet and lovely girl. She is friendly to her friends, too. Everybody likes to play with her. She did a good job in the play. She was loud and clear. Congratulations Chloe!            

Richard:  Chloe is very well spoken and knows lots of vocabulary. So much that she shares them with her friends and teaches her fellow classmates how to improve upon their English. She helps others with their grammar and reading as well. She is Cheetah class’s new inspiration and role model. Well done Chloe!    

Giraffe Class [Candy]

Tiffany: Candy is the Super Kid for June. She has good memory. She learns everything fast. She also participates well in class. She likes to answer questions and when it comes to discussion, she is talkative. She did a good job in the graduation show, too. Keep up the great job Candy.

Mai:  Candy - We have seen so much improvement in her focus this month. She used to need reminders to finish her work, but she is more independent and finishing in a timely manner. I am very proud. Congratulations Candy!        

Rhino Class [Jean]

Sandy:  Jean is a good kid. She shares toys with her friends. She is always careful of what she does. She thinks before she does her work. She tries to speak English in class, even when she plays with her friends. Congratulations!

Michelle:  Jean stepped up and took on a harder role in the play with more lines. Not only she did memorize her new lines but she concentrated fully on her part and took cue, from her teachers. She also only speaks English. I rarely need to remind her. We’re very proud of her progress. Great job!