7月份 super kids

Panther Class [Wells]

Sally: Our first super kid in Panther class is Wells. For the first month of Panther class, they all need to accommodate to a new life. Wells is brave to try new things. I can see his excitement in his eyes when he is playing or learning in class. I can hear him very loud. He is full of enthusiasm and a polite boy to everyone. In addition, he is helpful in class. Keep going!        

Spencer:  Wells is a good student. He understands the class rules. He is very considerate whenever he does anything to inconvenience the other kids around the class, he immediately says sorry. I’m very happy to have such an energetic mindful student.

Cheetah Class [Alfie]

Helen: Alfie tried to follow the Cheetah’s rules. He followed instructions when we played games. When he didn’t win in a game, he sat down and waited for the next round. He didn’t feel upset than before. He is also helpful friend in class. He likes to help his friends and teachers.           

Richard:  This student is working hard controlling his emotions. He surprised us with his math skills and class work. Well done Alfie!    

Giraffe Class [Sophie]

Tiffany: Sophie is our super kid for this month. She likes to share her happiness in class. She talks about her family and what she did on weekends. She is a curious girl. When she doesn’t know something, she will ask questions about it. She is also trying her best in swimming class. She put her head under the water which she didn’t want to do it before. Good job! Keep your smile on every day.

Mai:  Sophie has really found her time to shine during the summer camp. She loved contributing to all of our discussions and telling stories about family life. Her reading is coming along and she is working hard. Congratulations!        

Rhino Class [Justin]

Sandy:  Justin learns everything quickly. He follows instruction very well. He can do his workbook correctly. He likes to teach his classmates, too. He is a smart and sweet boy.

Michelle:  Our super kid for July is Justin. He has no trouble with any of the work we do in class. He has been trying very hard to repeat after me to improve his pronunciation. He is also playing nicely with his friends. Justin shares more and asks his friends to play with their toys better than before. He is an excellent student.