8月份 super kids

Panther Class [Jerry]

Sally: We are happy that Jerry is the super kid for this month. He is a role model in class to show his new friends. He is always eager to learn and his manners are great. He enjoys every moment at school and follows what teachers say. He is friendly to his classmates. More importantly is he has positive attitude.        

Spencer:  Jerry is always attentive, always listening. He is very considerate. He is constantly trying to help his classmates with work, playing with toys, standing in line – everything! He is a joy to have in class and everybody’s friend.

Cheetah Class [Jarren]

Helen: Jarren has grown up a lot the past two months. He is kind to his friends. He is a polite boy. He greets teachers and classmates every day. He always tries to do his things on his own first. Good job!           

Richard:  Our super kid for August came quite easily one morning as I noticed that our songs were getting more difficult to remember. Where all students struggled to remember the lyrics, only one got it the first time around. Math and Phonics are almost second nature to this student so we have asked him to help others in need. Jarren you are this month’s super kid!    

Giraffe Class [Candy]

Tiffany: Candy is our super kid in August. She likes to read books and draw pictures. She has good muscle to control her fingers for writing and using scissors. She can swim very well. She doesn’t need a kick board to swim. Congratulations Candy!

Mai:  Over the last month Candy has really flourished in class. She is more confident in her speaking and reading especially. She isn’t shy sharing her feelings and is more aware of her time. I am very proud of her improvements. Congratulations!        

Rhino Class [Maggie]

Sandy:  Maggie is a helpful kid in class. She helps teachers and her classmates in class. She always finishes her tasks by herself. Ex. Make her bed, clean up… She is also a good student in class, always participates in class.

Tony:  Our super kid for July is Maggie. She is an excellent student and always participates well in class. Maggie has no trouble with any of the lessons we do in class and she has been trying very hard to repeat after me to improve her pronunciation. She always comes to class with a smile and a positive attitude. She is a great help to teacher by always finishing her tasks quickly and offering to help her classmates. She shares with her classmates and always plays nicely. GREAT JOB MAGGIE !!