11月份 super kids

Panther Class [Emily]

Sally: The Super Kid of this month in Panther class is Emily. She is being a good example of speaking English in class. She tries her best to speak English to her friends and everyone follow her to speak English, too. In addition, she is fun to be around in the classroom. She is a happy funny girl and she is very kind to everyone. Keep going Emily!        

Spencer:  Emily is very bright. She learns very quickly and is very aware of her surroundings. She follows the five rules in the classroom. She has learned to be nice to her friends. the entire month of November Emily has been a great friend, practiced her English, and earned lots of stars. We are proud of her!

Cheetah Class [Johnny]

Helen: Johnny is a sweet and helpful boy. He is a little gentleman, too. He always helps teachers. He is a nice boy. He never feels tired of helping his friends and reminding them what to do. He is a good example in Cheetah class. It’s a joy to have him in class.          

Richard:  Our superkid has always been very super. He is too helpful and is asked to tone it down sometimes. He cares so much about his fellow classmates that he puts their happiness before his own. He gets sad when our class isn’t getting along. Every day he does the most he can in making Cheetah class a better place. Good job Johnny!    

Giraffe Class [Emma]

Tiffany: Emma always has a lot of energy to join every activity. When we practice our Christmas show, she always tries her best to a good job. She likes to share what she did on the weekends. Congratulations ~ Emma!

Mai:  Emma had a great November! One of the aspects we have worked on over the year has been building her empathy towards her classmates. She worked hard to think about the lessons and put them into action each day. She may need reminders now and then, but that didn't discourage her from continuing to improve. She also took to heart the lessons of thankfulness, and tried to appreciate the wonderful things she has in life. As always, she showed enthusiasm in all her activities! Congratulations!       

Rhino Class [Betty]

Sandy:  Betty is a good helper in class. She helps her classmates when they need help. She helps teachers to put down chairs. She is doing well on her subjects, too. She is also a good example of playing. She shares toys and being friendly to her friends.

Tony:  Betty is very helpful to the teachers and to the younger students. She always helps them with their lessons and tells them how to do class activities. She also helps direct people in the play. She always has a smile on her face and is always eager to participate in all class activities.