6月份 super kids

Panther Class [Minnie]

Sally: Our Super Kid in Panther class for the month of June is a student who always has a big infectious smile on her face. She has come a long way and overcame her own obstacle and is now able to speak English proudly and confidently. In class, she is always friendly to everyone around her and loves sharing her toys with others. She improved a lot during our show this time too! Keep up the great job!       

Spencer:  Minnie is my super kid. She has come so far this semester. I am very impressed with her vocabulary and ability to interact with her friends. She is a great student and classmate with a big heart. We all love her!

Cheetah Class [Jungle]

Helen: Congratulations Jungle! He has improved so much since he first came here. He is finally graduating. He now understands English very well and listens to commands and reacts positively to it. He has proven himself a great actor too during our class play. Cheetahs are going to miss him as he moves on to his next stage of life. Great job Jungle!

Richard:  Our Super Kid has been off the radar for some time, until recently. His humor is loved and adored by everyone. His daily dance wasn’t a thing until he busted a move about a month ago. Since then, he has been trying to show us his groove. After watching the play on stage, it’s clear that he is very comfortable acting and public speaking. I am very pleased at how far he has come. Well done Jungle!  

Giraffe Class [Jenny]

Tiffany: Jenny is our super kid for this month. She is a sweet girl and is always curious about everything around her. She plays well with her classmates and loves sharing her toys with everyone. Everybody likes playing with her. Congratulations on being our Super Kid Jenny!

Mai:  Congratulations to Ryan for a great month. He really took to heart our rules and earning a pizza party by working together as a class. He tried his best to remind his classmates to behave and stay on task. He put his fun loving attitude on during appropriate times. Good job!  

Rhino Class [Duncan]

Sandy: Congratulations to Duncan as our super kid for this month! He is always nice to his friends and shares all his toys when playing. He likes to help out without anybody asking him. He is always courteous to everyone and listens and reacts positively to commands given. Great job Duncan!

Tony:  Our Super Kid for this month is Duncan. He is such a great helper in class. He is volunteering more. He is starting to learn to share more too. Duncan did a great job as Harry Potter in the graduation show. He learnt his lines and actions quickly. He has an excellent memory and has worked hard to improve his writing and math skills. Great job Duncan!     

Tiger Class [Miller]

Pacey:  Miller is the super kid for this month. He listens to the teachers and always gives a positive reply. He never stops smiling. Whenever he has to perform on stage, he gets very serious about it and makes sure that he memorizes his line really well. Hence, we chose Miller as this month’s super kid. A job well did Miller!

Nick:  This month’s super kid is Miller.  He has had a terrific month and has improved his English a lot.  He is a good friend to all of his classmates and he always shares his toys or helps his friends when they need a hand. He can even march just like the soldiers at the CKS Memorial Hall when we went there during the outing. Congratulations to this month’s Super Kid for Tiger Class Miller!