4月份 super kids

Panther Class [Wells]

Sally: Ever since Wells had joined Panther; he has always been very stable. He loves to help his friends and enjoys his time in class. Music makes him really happy and keeps him in a good mood. Great work Wells!

Edward: This month’s Super Kid is Wells. I chose him because he has worked hard and tried his best in the class. He is an energetic, industrious boy who likes to ask questions and is extremely social. I hope he can continue to improve and to absorb information in order to succeed.

Cheetah Class [Chloe]

Helen: Chloe Chan used to be very emotional and cries for help in a lot of things. Now, she is my best little helper! She loves helping her friends and tries to work with everybody in the groups. She never fails to surprise me when she dances too!     

Richard: Our Super Kid demonstrated exceptional courage and initiative. This student often shows others the importance of teamwork and rules. We are a stronger Cheetah class because of Chloe Chan!

Koala Class [Tibbie]

Tiffany: Our Super Kid for this month is Tibbie! She is such a sweet girl. She is always friendly to everyone around her and she tries to speak English all the time! Great work!       

David: This month’s super kid award goes to Tibbie. You have shown a lot of improvement in your English speaking and attention skills. I am happy to award you Super kids!

Rhino Class [Tammy]

Sandy: Tammy is a fast learner. She loves sharing her ideas and is always the fastest to complete her work and duties. She loves helping her teacher and is a great friend to play with.   

Tony: Tammy is this month’s Super Kid. Tammy always excels in her school work. She is very competitive and takes pride in her work. She improved a lot in terms of her social skills. She has learned to share and help her fellow classmates. I am really proud of her.

Tiger Class [Phoebe]

Pacey: Phoebe is a great listener and helper. She is always trying to help out with her classmates. She tries her best in everything. I am so proud of her! Great job!

Nick: This month’s Super Kid for Tiger Class is Phoebe! She is very focused wherever she practices our show. She speaks really loudly and clearly and remembers all her lines and actions. She is a great example to Tiger Class! Great job!