6¤ë¥÷ super kids

Panther Class [JJ]

Sally: JJ has improved tremendously this semester. He is working hard and he seems to really enjoy learning new things! He is trying to read and pronounce all on his own. Curiosity is his key to learning. He also has a good grasp on logic and mathematics skills. Great job JJ!

Edward: This month¡¦s Super Kid is JJ. I chose him because he is a very energetic boy, who loves to raise his hand and to participate in the class. His thirst for knowledge is commendable and it is a pleasure to see him so excited and ready to learn every day!

Cheetah Class [Alfie]

Helen: Alfie has improved so much over the years. He tried so hard to control his emotions and he overcame his stage fright on our last Cheetah play. I am so proud of what he has become! Great job Alfie!     

Richard: It has been a long journey for this student. Overcoming his fears and facing the World. He always had a lot of support but I realized he would rather do things alone. I am so proud of his courage and spirit. Well done Alfie!

Koala Class [Mason]

Tiffany: I cannot stress how much I love Mason! He is so cute and smart! I am really reluctant to let him go! He is always friendly and listens attentively in class. He knows how to control his emotions a lot better now and even though he will be moving on to Beaver, I am still really proud to have been his teacher.       

Danielle: He is really smart and cute. Even though he will be moving on to Beaver class, he has done really well in Koala! He learns really fast and obeys his teachers. He is always nice to everyone and for his age, he is really independent. We are so proud to nominate him as the Super Kid for the last month of the semester! Good job!

Rhino Class [Duncan]

Sandy: Rhino¡¦s last Super Kid goes to Duncan. He is always paying attention in class and tries his best with his work. He has always been a great young helper too. I am so proud of him! Congratulations Duncan!  

Ingrid: Congratulations Duncan! You¡¦re the last Super Kid of Rhino Class! I can¡¦t tell you how awesome you are. You are always polite, helpful and try your best in everything you do. I wish you all the best in your future!

Tiger Class [Eric]

Pacey: We are so proud of Eric! He has been trying his best to come to school really early and he is a lot more energetic than ever! He does really well in class and I really enjoy having him in Tiger Class!

Nick: This month¡¦s Super Kid for Tiger Class is Eric! We are very impressed with his reading skills over the past month. He can read all the books taught without any help! He did a marvelous job in the play! Great job Eric!