7月份 super kids

Panther Class [Anson]

Sally: This month's Super Kid is Anson. I chose him because he has worked hard and tried his best in the class. He is an energetic, industrious boy who likes to ask questions and is extremely social. I hope he can continue to improve and to absorb information in order to succeed.

Edward: Our Super Kid in Panther class for the month of July is quiet, but really likes to share his ideas in the class. Although he can be quite shy, Anson has grown with the confidence to speak English. He always likes to share his thought in the class because he wants the teachers to understand what he experiences. He is a polite and friendly boy who likes to share his toys with his classmates. Anson’s improvement over the past few semesters is commendable. Great job, Anson!

Beaver Class [Berson]

Helen: He has improved the most in our class. He cried the whole time for the first 3 days, and then he tried to do what the teachers said. He is nice, sweet, when even though he seems sad. He tries to help out whenever he can.     

Richard: This student wasn’t easy to tame in the beginning. He was calling for his mother every 5 minutes. But as each day passed, he trusted us a little more and ask for his mother less. Well done Berson!

Koala Class [Charles]

Tiffany: Charles is the Koala class Super kid for July! He loves to have fun and especially likes swimming class. Charles has learned how to sit nicely and quietly during class. And he likes to participate. We are glad that he is in Koala class!       

Danielle: This month, the Koala class Super kid is Charles. He has improved a lot with listening and doesn’t fight with his classmates. So we chose Charles to be our super kid. Congratulations~ Charles!

Tiger Class [Buzz]

Pacey: Our Super kid this month is Buzz. Buzz can read all of the stories in our “High Five” book. Even the one in Spanish! Buzz is also a great swimmer in the pool and we all have a lot of fun with him during swim class. Congratulations Buzz, you are the Tiger class Super kid for the month of July!

Nick: The Super kid for this month is Buzz because he has improved so much doing his work and can eat anything that is given to him. Good Job! Keep it up!