8月份 super kids

Panther Class [Minnie]

Sally: This month’s Super Kid is Minnie. I chose her because she is a very energetic girl and she has tried to improve in the class. She is a very sweet girl and if she continues to work hard, the sky is the limit.

Edward: Our Super kid this month has been working real hard to get this award. She has been paying more attention in class and trying count correctly. She is a good friend to all of her classmates. She always shares her toys or helps her friends when they need a hand. I am so happy to see such an improvement and I hope that she continues on this way.

Beaver Class [Justin]

Helen: Our most improve student now knows how to go to the bathroom all by himself. He eats faster and speaks when spoken to.  He loves singing and counting. I can tell that he enjoys coming to school now. Well done! Justin is the super kid for August.     

Richard: Before 8:50 Justin is really good. He likes greeting everyone “Hello everybody”. My name is Justin, thank you everybody. He can say if loud in front of everyone.

Koala Class [Lucas]

Tiffany: Lucas is our superkid this month. He loves to have fun! He enjoyed our swimming class this summer. Lucas is quick to learn, and very good at math. Lucas likes to participate during class and help Teacher Danielle. We are glad he is in our class!       

Danielle: Lucas is our Super Kid for Koala class. He likes to write numbers, coloring, and always concentrates on his work. He likes helping teachers. He is not afraid of the water during swimming class. Congratulations Lucas!

Tiger Class [Lela]

Pacey: This month’s super kid is Lela! Lela is a new student, but she fits right into Tiger Class immediately. Her speaking ability is excellent and Lela can read all of our summer stories with very little help from the teacher. Lela has a lot of energy, a big smile, and we all love to play and learn together with her. Congratulations Lela, you are this month’s Super kid for Tiger Class.

Nick: This month our super kid is Lela, because she always smiles. She likes to learn everything and everyone likes her. She always listens to the teachers!