1月份 super kids

Panther Class [Wells]

Sally: This month’s Super Kid is Wells. I chose him because he works hard and has a sense of “justice.” He is very inquisitive and loves to answer questions and to learn things. He also respects the other children in the class and works well with others. He excels in all aspects of English.

Edward: He does well in our subjects, and always enjoys learning new things. If he has any questions, he is not afraid to ask. He is also a wonderful kid, being nice to everyone. He plays well with everyone with a happy smile. He loves to help, follows all the rules well, and sets a great example for all of us. That’s why everyone loves this happy boy! Congratulations! Super Kid - Wells.

Beaver Class [Mila]

Helen: Mila has always been our “sleeping Giant”. I meant that with the best intentions possible. We always knew that she had it in her, but just never saw it or when it would emerge. I am very pleased to see her success and believe that she likes the taste of it as well. Congratulations Mila!

Richard: She has improved a lot in this month, as she follows class rules very well. She eats her food and drinks water faster than ever before. She is always nice to her friends and plays with them well. She is also a good helper in class and a wonderful student.

Koala Class [Kelsey]

Tiffany: Kelsey is our super kid this month. She is a great student and always listens to the teachers’ directions. Kelsey is a great reader and can recognize all the words we’ve learned this semester. She also writes her alphabet letters very neatly. I am glad that Kelsey is in our class!       

Danielle: This month, our super kid is Kelsey. She is a sweet girl. She always concentrates during class time, and she always raises her hands to answer the questions. Her reading has also improved a lot. She is good in art class. Good job Kelsey. Keep the up the good work.

Tiger Class [Steven]

Pacey: This month’s Super Kid for Tiger class is Steven. Steven has improved in all areas of study this past month. I have been especially impressed with Steven’s reading and how accurately he is able to use his pencil now. Steven has developed into an independent worker, rarely needing assistance from either Teacher Pacey or me. Keep up the great effort, Steven! You are the Tiger class Super Kid for January.

Nick: This month’s Super kid is Steven because he always tries his best to do everything. His learning has improved a lot. Steven has progressed in his studies, and he is always a good helper. He is also good in drawing. He pays attention in drawing class. His drawing always surprises teachers.

Dolphin Class [Yen]

Candy: Yen has come a long way since she started. She wouldn’t do things on her own or participate in class. Now she does both! She is also very well behaved.    

Ned: This month’s super kid is Yen. Yen used to be extremely shy and always needed others to help her. She was not willing to try things on her own. And now, she can do everything on her own and is a very sweet girl. She knows what’s right and what’s not right to do. She improves immensely on her drawing skills, as well as she has shown us her improvement in manners/ attitude.