2月份 super kids

Panther Class [Claire]

Sally: This month’s Super Kid is Claire. I chose her because she has really matured and improved since I began teaching her. Her confidence has improved, she works hard , has really been answering questions and paying attention in class. She is showing enthusiasm and dedication.

Edward: This month’s super kid is Claire. She tries her best to work faster and is always eager to learn new things. Her reading has improved immensely and she loves to read all the books in class. She has more confidence in learning now. She is not only good in studying but also behavior well. She is polite and friendly to all of her classmates. She is very sweet, thoughtful and is good friends with her classmates. Great job, Claire!

Beaver Class [NiNi]

Helen: NiNi has been fairly quiet in Level 1. She was scared of many new and exciting games but soon realized to trust herself and join in on the fun. She is now speaking more and loves being an active student in our class. Well done!

Richard: She improved a lot. When she stared to learn our stories, she didn’t want to say anything. Now when she tries her best to tell stories, and she can do it by herself! She is very nice to her friends. She also helps teacher Sandy do a lot in the class. She is a good girl! Our super kid goes to NiNi.

Koala Class [Patrick]

Tiffany: Patrick is our super kid this month. Patrick is a very smart and bright student. He often raises his hand to answer questions during class. He can read very well, and is also very good at month. We are so glad to have Patrick in our class.       

Danielle: This month, Koala class’s super kid is Patrick. He is a smart boy. He learns new things very fast. He can read books and knows a lot vocabulary words. He likes to ask questions and answer the teacher’s questions during class time. So we chose Patrick to be our super kid. Good job Patrick.

Tiger Class [Eden]

Pacey: This month our Tiger class super kid is Eden. Eden is now one of our top readers and he is super- fast with Math. In February we started some addition and subtraction and Eden didn’t need any extra help to understand the concepts. Eden has been a friendly and thoughtful classmate, too. Congratulations, Eden. This is why you are our Tiger class’s super kid for the month of February.

Nick: This month our super kid is Eden. He is a great and sweet kid. He listens to the teachers’ directions well. He does things as quickly as he can, and does everything by himself. He is willing to participate in all the games. Well done and keep up the good work!

Dolphin Class [William]

Candy: William! William always works hard and tries his best to do things as well as he can. He is always polite and doesn’t fight with other students. He is also very smart.    

Ned: Dolphin’s super kid of the month goes to William. William is extremely smart and very talented in Phonics. Although, his English is already really good, he still concentrates in class and participates in every activity. His attitude has improved a lot too. He used to make fun of other people, but now he learns how to respect others. Well done William!