7月份 super kids

Otter Class [Lucky]

Sally: Lucky has done extremely well this month! He has great understanding of rules is well behaved, can do everything on his own and learns quickly. He is also very helpful and a great role model for other students.

Angie: In this first month of Otter class, students are learning and adapting to their new life. It’s hard for every kid, and everyone is trying to be independent. Lucky is brave enough to try new things and started to take his first steps for everything. He is polite when he meets or plays with everyone. He behaves in a mature way and that helps him do everything fast. He also helps his classmates. Keep up the good work.

Beaver Class [Han]

Sandy: Our Super kid is fearless! He always participates and shows everyone he means business. He is usually the first to finish his lunch. He is always upbeat and positive. Well done Han!

Richard: Han does his job very quickly and does a great job. He follows all the rules when he plays games. He helps everyone and teachers a lot during class time. He is also a good student and a good helper. Well done, Han!

Koala Class [Emma]

Tiffany: This month’s Super Kid is Emma. She is a sweet, courteous girl who the other classmates love to interact with. She raises her hand consistently and is a hard, diligent worker. She is a pleasure to teach and I continue to be impressed by her.       

Edward: This month our super kid is Emma. Emma is a very smart and bright student. She is a good helper and always helps teachers and her friends, if we need help. She is friendly to her friends and everyone likes to play with her too. So we chose Emma to be our Super kid. Good Job Emma.

Dolphin Class [Jerry Wang]

Jean: Jerry Wang! Jerry Wang is always well mannered and well behaved. He likes to make the other students laugh and does his best in class.    

Ned: Jerry Wang is a sweet child. He notices little things when others don’t. He tries to help teachers, which is really thoughtful. Jerry Wang always does his best at everything he does and tries complete his daily duties as quick as he can. . He is not only well behaved but also listens to teachers. He deserves the glory. Congratulations!