9月份 super kids

Otter Class [Ella]

Sally: Ella always comes to school with a positive attitude and works very hard in class. She is well behaved, always curious and eager to do well. She does a great job with our weekly songs, retains old and new information easily and always does her best. Great job, Ella.

Angie: Ella is our Super Kid this month. In the beginning, she cried everyday. It was hard for Ella to say goodbye to her mom. Now she shows up herself to us. While singing, she tries her best to sing with everyone. In the class, she raises her hands to answer the questions. She also tries to share her toys with her friends during toys sharing class and she is friendly with everyone too. Keep doing it, Ella.

Beaver Class [Tibbie]

Sandy: Our Super Kid was shy and quiet at first. She is now speaking louder and louder. She can count well and knows her phonics sounds. She is very helpful. Well done Tibbie.

Richard: She followers class rules well. When we play the games, she plays very nicely with everybody. She learns lessons very carefully. When she writes her books, she does her books neatly. She is also a good student in Beaver class. Well done Tibbie.

Koala Class [Patrick]

Tiffany: This month’s Super Kid is Patrick. He is a sweet, well mannered boy who follows instructions. He has a good temper and is able to answer questions and comes to class with a nice, positive attitude.      

Edward: This month our Super Kid is Patrick. Patrick is a very smart and bright student. He can read very well. He learns new things very fast, so we chose Patrick to be our super kid. Congratulations Patrick!

Dolphin Class [Sunny]

Jean: Sunny! Sunny used to get his letters and numbers all mixed up. Now he can put letters together to make sounds. He will be a strong reader soon.    

Ned: Sunny is the Super Kid for this month. Sunny has made great deals of improvement on phonics and reading. He also has good manners. He is always polite to teachers and others. Sunny is an enthusiastic learner. Way to go, Sunny.

Puppy Class [Ruby]

Lauren: Ruby has been a super star this month. She is the most confident, speaking loudly and not afraid to make mistakes. She is always helping the others, and in the first week, when others were upset, she helped calm them down and put a smile on their face. Ruby is a great student both in and out of class.    

Zach: Ruby is a polite and sweet kid. She comes to school early every day and she always says “Hello” to all the teachers. When she is in class, she is willing to participate in all the games. She always raises her hands to answer questions. She is also the model in Puppy class to show the rest of the kids what to do in class. Keep up the good work, Ruby!