10月份 super kids

Otter Class [Ethan]

Sally: This month super kid: Ethan. Ethan has done a fantastic job this month. He is always working hard and strives to do his best with all classroom activities. He has a positive attitude, isn’t afraid to try new things and sets a great example for others. He is a budding artist as well. Great job Ethan!!

Angie: Ethan is our super kid this month and has been in the class for four months. His English speaking and listening improved a lot. He tries to implement what he has learned and shows that he understands English. He always pays attention in class to answer the teacher’s questions. He is more confidence, can speak louder in front of everybody, and is a good singe. Ethan Keep up the good work.

Beaver Class [Serene]

Sandy: Our Super Kid for October tries really hard to stay in the spotlight. Even though we have so much to do, she makes it look easy because it is to her. Other kids look up to her because she seems to have her act together and knows all of the answers. Well done Serene!

Richard: Serene follows the teachers’ directions and helps her friends a lot. She tries to teach other kids how to write and sing the weekly songs. She is a good helper even though sometimes she has her own way to explain things. If she has her own opinions, she tries to explain them in a polite way. Well done Serene!

Koala Class [Zona]

Tiffany: This month’s Super Kid is Zona. She is one of the top students in the class. She reads well, answers questions, and is able to express herself fully and completely. She has an affable personality and gets along well with others.      

Edward: Our Super kid this month is Zona. She is a very smart and bright student. She always concentrates and answers the teacher’s questions in class. She is a good helper and always helps teachers and her classmates. We are so glad to have Zona in our class. So we chose Zona to be our Super kid. Good Job Zona!

Dolphin Class [Jerry]

Jean: Jerry! Jerry’s attitude has improved so much. He is willing to try hard and do a good job on his work. Also, he is really good at remembering his lines for the Christmas Show.    

Ned: Jerry made a big step. He concentrates in the class and shares interesting things with us. He also helps classmates and teachers. Jerry is a cute kid who also has rich imaginations. Congratulations!

Puppy Class [Heidi]

Lauren: Heidi! Her English level is at the top of the class, and she’s a role model for good behavior. She’s kind and respectful to all her classmates, and always knows how to behave appropriately. She is a super kid, and I know she will continue to excel.    

Zach: Heidi! Because she is always the first one who is willing to raise her hands to answer teachers’ questions. When she plays games, she always tries her best and follows the rules well. She is also the loudest kids while singing weekly songs. She is always full of energy and happy every day. Keep on working, Heidi!