2月份 super kids

Otter Class [Claire]

Sally: Claire has been working hard this month and is growing more and more, confident in her abilities. She is always kind and loves sharing with her classmates. Great job Claire.

Angie: Our super kid in this month is Claire. Claire has improved in her English abilities since joining Otter class. She is an independent kid who likes to do things by herself. She has also improved a lot in her social skills. She is trying to share her toys with her classmates and getting along with them. Keep up the good work, Claire.

Beaver Class [NiNi]

Sandy: NiNi has always been one of the great Beavers. She struggled for the firstt semester but it looks like life and class has gotten much easier since all of her hard work has paid off. Congratulations NiNi.

Richard: When she is in class, she follows the class rules well. She always tries her best even if things are difficult for her. She is always nice to her friends and likes to help them and teachers. She is a good and sweet student.

Koala Class [Rex]

Tiffany: This month’s Super Kid is Rex. He has a good temperament and work ethic. He has improved in his ability to answer my questions and works hard on his writing. I think the sky’s the limit for him!      

Edward: Our super kid this month is~ Rex. His writing and drawing has improved a lot. He is a well-mannered kid. When teachers give him something, he always says thank you to the teachers. Good job, Rex. Keep up the good work!

Dolphin Class [Yen]

Jean: Yen! Yen does such a good job telling her story. Her facial expressions and actions make her a shining example of what a good story teller should be.    

Ned: Yen! This girl loves going to school and being with schoolmates. She started with being punctual for school. She is getting confidence in herself. She is becoming the idol of Dolphin class. Well done, Yen.

Puppy Class [Melody]

Lauren: Our super kid this month is Melody. Melody is a leader in Puppy class, helping when she ca. She naturally takes charge and helps the other students. She is almost like a little teacher, and she is definitely a Super kid.    

Zach: Melody, because she is a nice girl! She always helps everybody in Puppy class. When she is in class, she always pays attention. When kids need help, she is willing to help and teaches them how to do it. Good job Melody.