7月份 super kids

Otter Class [Keefe]

Sally: Keefe! He always works really hard in all that he does in class and loves helping teachers and classmates. He has great retention for new vocabulary and concepts and always comes to class with a positive attitude and is eager to learn. Great job Keefe!

Angie: Keefe has improved in all areas of work. He tries his best and has made some great improvements in phonics. He is a helpful kid who always helps other students and teachers in the class. He is such a considerate person. Keep up the good work.

Beaver Class [Mila]

Sandy: Our Super Kid has evolved into a confident, smart, and funny person. She is great in group discussions and does all her work well. She believes that slow and steady will win the race. Well done Mila!

Richard: She is much better at learning in daily habits! She can move and eat quicker than before. She likes to talk and share her ideas in class. She focuses every lesson and follows well.

Chipmunk Class [Patricia]

Tiffany: Patricia! She always has a smile on her face and is so eager and excited to learn. She exhibits excellent behavior for her classmates to follow. Great job, Patricia.      

Kelsey: This month our Super Kid is Patricia. She smiles all the time. She always concentrates and answers teachers’ questions during the class. She is also friendly to her classmates. So we chose Patricia to be Chipmunk class’ Super Kid. Good Job Patricia!

Dolphin Class [Justin]

Kim: I’d like to nominate Justin as this month’s Super Kid. He’s made many improvements in the last week or so. He’s increased his level of classroom participation, begun socializing more frequently with his classmates, and has practiced speaking more each day in class.    

Tyler: Justin is the Super Kid for July. Since he joined us in the beginning of July, he has improved himself very well. Now he can follow the teachers to read the books and sing weekly songs. He is brave enough to open his mind and interact with teachers and classmates more frequently in class. One month ago, he was a shy boy. Now he is a Super boy!

Puppy Class [Matthew]

Sally: Our super Kid this month is Matthew. Matthew has been working so hard this past month! We’ve learned so many new things, and learned new things, and Matthew has learned them all so well and so fast. And he always does it with a smile on his face.  Matthew is definitely a super kid.    

Zach: Matthew is our Super Kid this month. He is really smart and knows what to do all the time. He has a good memory. Every time we learn new things, he remembers it. He is always energetic when we sing weekly songs. He deserves it!