11月份 super kids

Otter Class [Lucky]

Sally: This month our Super Kid is Lucky. He is always calm and mature in class. He does extremely well with all subjects and continues to set a great example for other students in class. He’s a quick learner, isn’t afraid to make mistakes, and puts forth a lot of effort into all that he does. Great job, Lucky!

Angie: Lucky is our Super Kid this month. Lucky is older in the class and acts like our big brother. He always tries to be a good example and does everything well in the class. Lucky has lost his shyness and has adopted a very confident, positive attitude. He is now able to converse with his classmates and teachers using English. Keep up the great work, Lucky!

Beaver Class [Lea]

Sandy: In November, our Super Kid stayed true to himself and kept calm and cool at all times. She is very polite and shows others a great example of how a Super Kid should act. She is very pleasant to be around and never talks badly of others. She respects her family and they are the center place of her life. Well done, Lea!

Richard: She is a sweet girl! She is always nice to everyone! When she sees someone crying, she will give him/her a big hug. Her learning has improved a lot, too. She follows class rules well, tries her best, and works very hard. Well done, Lea. Good girl!

Chipmunk Class [Twinkle]

Tiffany: This month our Super Kid is Twinkle! Twinkle has made so much progress since starting at CKids. She is very smart, attentive, kind, and obedient. Her personality has really blossomed and I’m excited to continue to watch her grow.      

Kelsey: Twinkle is our Super Kid this month. Twinkle is a very smart girl. She knows a lot of vocabulary words. She always answers teachers’ questions in class. We chose Twinkle to be Chipmunk class’ Super Kid. Good job. Keep it up Twinkle.

Dolphin Class [CC]

Kim: Our Super Kid this month is someone who never needs to be reminded of what she should do. She’s bright, creative, and has excellent penmanship. This month’s Super Kid is CC!  

Tyler: The Super Kid in November is CC. She did a great job this month. She is thoughtful and sensitive. She is a sweet girl. She never does anything wrong at school and always knows what to do. She has merit for always reminding her friends to work and treating her friends nicely. She deserves this glory, Super CC!

Puppy Class [Andrew]

Sally: Our Super Kid this month is Andrew. He is always so kind and respectful to other students and teachers. He works very hard, and his English has come so far. He’s funny, silly, an amazing student, and a Super Kid.   

Zach: Andrew will be our Super Kid in November. He improved a lot, his English is really good. He can answer most of the questions in class. Sometimes he is the only one who knows the answer. He is also good at putting words together.

Chinchilla Class [Quinn]

Helen: Our Super Kid for November has grown the most since September. In just two months, she has gone from being clueless to being a mentor for Louis and Charles. Our Super Kid this month is Quinn!    

Stephen: This month’s Super Kid is a girl who is always smiling and happy. She loves to laugh and play! She is willing to share and be nice to her classmates. She is curious to learn. Although she is forgetful sometimes, she can correct herself quickly. She has taken on a guiding role to her new classmates. Congratulations to our super kid this month…Quinn. Great job!