12月份 super kids

Otter Class [Anya]

Sally: This month’s Super Kid is Anya! She is a wonderful student who always works hard and has a positive attitude in all she does. She loves telling stories and chatting and is always practicing her English in class. She has great behavior and is a friend to everyone. She brings sunshine to Otter class every day and we really feel lucky to have her as a student!! Great job, Anya!

Angie: This month’s Super Kid for Otter Class is very talkative. She has a wonderful smile and she shares it with everyone when she comes to school every day. She is super happy, and she is always making other people happy too! However, she knows when she needs to be serious, and definitely is during class time. In our course sometimes she can’t catch up but she doesn’t give up and keeps challenging herself. Also, she is very friendly and always helps others in the class. She is easy-going and pleasant with her classmates, too!

Beaver Class [Gordon]

Sandy: Our Super Kid will be no surprise. Whether the task be big or small, he works very hard. He always faces difficulties with courage. He never has anything negative to say about anyone. He is sensitive, a sweetheart and is Beaver’s most improved student in December. Congratulations Gordon!

Richard: He always tries hard to do everything. He learns very fast and does his job very well. He helps his friends and teachers a lot. He is a sweet boy. He is always very nice and kind to his friends. Good job, Gordon.

Chipmunk Class [Jubee]

Tiffany: The Super Kid is Jubee. Jubee is so kind and considerate of her classmates. For example, she will get a tissue for a classmate that is trying or has a running nose. She is always keeping tabs on everyone making sure they are okay! She’s also a good student and always involved in class. There’s never a dull moment with Jubee around. She’s forever making her teachers and classmates laugh. I’m proud to have Jubee in chipmunk class.      

Kelsey: This month our Super Kid is Jubee. She is a smart and sweet girl, everyone likes to play with her. She always makes everyone laugh during class. She knows lots of vocabulary words. We chose Jubee to be Chipmunk class’s Super Kid. Good job Jubee. Keep it up!

Dolphin Class [Yen]

Kim: This month’s Super Kid is someone who always tries her best at everything she does. She’s polite, kind, and considerate of others. She isn’t much of a morning person, but once she’s fully awake, she loves to smile and participate in class. This month’s Super Kid is Yen. 

Tyler: Yen is the Super Kid in December. She is a sweet and sensitive girl. She always does great job in writing and following the teachers’ instruction. She can play with her classmates in a safe manner. Most importantly, she improved. She really worked very hard this month. Super Yen!

Puppy Class [Ruby]

Sally: Our Super Kid this month is Ruby! She’s so smart, well behaved, and an excellent role model in class. She always knows what to do, where to be, and she’s always got a smile on her face.   

Zach: Ruby is our Super Kid. She is always helpful and thoughtful to help everyone. She is very smart when doing the workbook. Even though she was absent, she works really hard to learn what she missed. She is just the perfect Puppy!

Chinchilla Class [Charles]

Helen: Charles is our Super Kid this month. Charles showed how brave he was after crying then rallying fearlessly during our performance. Charles has little to no trouble with vocabulary words. Charles is improving daily in regards to his expression.    

Stephen: This month’s Super Kid in Chinchilla class is one student who has improved a lot during these two months. At first, he was very quiet and shy, but now he is more active and attentive in class. He always follows the rules during class time. He tries very hard to catch up everything! We are all impressed by his great performance in the Christmas Show! Great job! Charles.