6月份 super kids

Otter Class [Cynthia]

Sally: The Super Kid for this month is Cynthia. She is a very good reader and loves to play games with everyone in the class. Her math skills have improved very much over the semester and she never shies away from a new challenge. She behaves very well and always listens to directions. Always one of the first to wake up after nap time and never makes a big mess when eating. She always raises her hands and answers questions all the time. Keep it up!

Angie: Cynthia is the Super Kid of Otter Class this month. She likes to learn and is not afraid to try new things. She has especially improved greatly in Reading and Phonics. She is now able to read all of our storybooks and trying read new word by herself.She trying to be nice and friendly to others who love to help others, share her toys.

We want to thank this Super Kid for trying her best. That's all we can ask for. We hope you continue to do your best in the future, as we know you will be even happier! Congratulations and keep reaching for the stars, Super Kid Cynthia!

Beaver Class [Devon]

Sandy: He is a sensible and natural boy. He tries very hard in everything. He did a very good job in the graduation show. The way he spoke and the way he acted looked like he was the ShiFu with his “Inner Peace”. Every rehearsal, he focused well while teachers were teaching him how to speak and dance. He is also friendly to everyone and polite to all the teachers. He always says “Thank you” after teachers or kids help him. He has improved a lot in learning every subject. He shows us he cares about every detail. He takes his time to finish what he needs to do. During class, if teachers call his name, he is willing to share his ideas with everyone. Congratulation Devon!


Chipmunk Class [Jamie]

Tiffany: Jamie has made some changes to his behavior and academics recently and I hope being Super Kid will further encourage him to improve so that he can reach his full potential.

Kelsey: This month our Super Kid is Jamie. He is a smart boy. He can learn anything very fast. He can color and draw very well. He did a good job in the graduation show. Congratulations Jamie. Keep it up.

Dolphin Class [CC]

Kim: !

Tyler: Our Super Kid this month is someone who never forgets our classroom rules. This student is always kind to others and never minds helping those in need. We’re all going to miss her a lot when she goes to elementary school, but I have no doubt that she’ll succeed in whatever she does. Please welcome our Super Kid for the month, Ms. CC!

Puppy Class [Mason]

Sally: Our Super Kid this month is Mason. He has made a lot of good progress this month, especially his math and reading. What impressed us the most, though, was his behavior during the graduation show. He was always ready to practice and he loves to sing and dance. He stole the show and we are so happy to name him June’s Super Kid.   

Zach: Mason!! You are our Super Kid this month. Congratulations! First, I am very proud of you during the graduation show, you did an amazing job! You worked really hard on every rehearsal, too. Great job. Second, your math improved a lot. Keep it up boy! So proud of you!

Chinchilla Class [Charles]

Helen: Our Super Kid this month is always behaved. He always treats others with proper respect whether they are teachers or students. He is well-spoken and well-mannered. When a challenge arises, he fearlessly tackles obstacles to reach his goal. Our Super Kid has shown the most improvement as a whole throughout our time together as Super Kid. To be fair, all of our students deserve to be a Super Kid in their right. Congratulations Charles, keep it up!    

Stephen: Charles is our Super Kid this month in Chinchilla. He is continuously doing well and well behaved at school. He always follows teachers’ instructions and works hard step by step. He made great improvement on doing book work, drawing and dancing. You deserve this award. Congratulations Charles!