7月份 super kids

Otter Class [RaRa]

Lauren: RaRa’s reading is amazing! She can see a word, work through it and remember it very well. She is always working hard and completes her work with enthusiasm. She loves to read in front of the class and plays well.

Sean: She’s a good helper. She always tells everyone what they should do. She even reminds her classmates they did something right or wrong. She can always be very loud when she sings or talks. She’s always very considerate. I am very happy that RaRa is in Otter Class. RaRa, you are definitely a Super Kid!

Panda Class [Leo]

Stacey: I hereby nomiI hereby nominate Leo for Super Kid of the month due to his desire to learn, participate and assist his fellow classmates. Leo steps up to the plate when working with new material. He also strives to be the best student through remaining quiet during class, lunch, and while lining up for roll-call. He is a great student and will excel in his future.

Tom: Leo is our Super Kid this month as he tries to eat everything at school. Even though he doesn’t like it, he asks teachers for help. In class, he participates in all activities. He is willing to repeat after teachers. He tries to do everything himself without any of the teachers’ help. He also likes to share his toys with his classmates. He has fun in Panda Class. Leo is a model student in Panda Class. Congratulations, Leo!

Chipmunk Class [Eden]

Tiffany: Teacher Tiffany and I agree that Eden should be student of the month for July because he always follows teacher’s directions, puts forth a strong effort toward learning, and brings a positive attitude every day.

Jason: Our Super Kid for the month of July is Eden. Eden is a very playful and sweet student. He always pays attention in class and answers teacher’s questions. He is very polite and kind to all kids. Good job and keep it up, Eden!

Puma Class [Wendy]

Joyce: Our Super Kid this month is a student who is full of energy and has an eagerness to learn. She is very attentive and her attitude in class and toward her classmates is superb. Puma Class is very lucky to have Wendy and I look forward to seeing how she improves in the future.

Cesar: I would like to nominate Wendy as our Super Kid in Panda this month. Wendy is a lovely, smart girl who always comes to school with a happy face. She is very attentive in class and always answers teachers’ question. She is nice and polite to everyone. We are all proud to have Wendy in Puma Class. I think she deserves it. Congratulations, Wendy!

Puppy Class [Sean]

Sally: Our Super Kid for the month of July is Sean. He has shown us some amazing growth this month. He has improved so much in reading, math, and even swimming. He is always ready to try new things and work hard, and it’s that attitude that makes him our Super Kid.   

Zach: Mr. Sean you are the Super Kid in Puppy Class this month! We can see your improvement in past of the few months. Your English has made great progress as well! Hooray for you! Keep it up, boy!

Chinchilla Class []

Helen: .   

Julia: !