10月份 super kids

Otter Class [Tyson]

Lauren: Since coming to CKids, Tyson has improved so much in every class subject. He works much better on his own and his reading has grown so much. His handwriting improves with each Phonics class and he focuses much more during lessons. Keep up the great progress!

Sean: Tyson has made a lot of progress, especially with emotional self-management. There is progress in the courses and when playing games. He is able to calm himself down and he was gradually able to adopt to new situations. We all hope he can continue to maintain such a state! For these reasons and more he is our super kid this month. We want to encourage him to continue to make himself better.

Panda Class [Phoebe]

Stacey: Phoebe has been a very good and attentive student this month. She can always be counted on to the correct answer. She is fun and has a good energy in and out of class. She constantly practices and helps her classmates learn.

Tom: The Super Kid in Panda class is Phoebe, she is a quiet smart girl in the class. She can always answer her teacher’s questions correctly and use full sentences. She pays attention in the class and follows the rules of class properly. The most important thing is she can do lots of things by herself without her teacher’s help.

Chipmunk Class [Jubee]


Jubee has been selected for this month’s Super Kid. She was chosen based upon her overall improvements in most of classes such as English, Phonics, and reading. In addition, she is being reconized learning in class. Great job Jubee, and congratulations on your accomplishments!

Jason: Our Super Kid this month is Jubee. Jubee has improved a lot on her reading. She can read the books very well. She also has improved a lot on her coloring and drawing in art class. Jubee is such a funny girl and I really happy to have her in Chipmunk class. Good job Jubee. Keep it up!

Puma Class [Zoe]

Joyce: Our Super Kid for the month of October is a student who acts as the unofficial little teacher of Puma class. She is incredibly smart and is constantly asking: “How do you say this in English” She is well-behaved and very polite. We are very lucky to have Zoe in Puma class.

Cesar: I would like to nominate Zoe on our Super Kid in Puma this month. Zoe is a lovely, smart girl who always comes to school greeting teachers and classmates. She can help her teachers to take care of the other classmates, and she does a very good job. She is nice to everyone. We are all proud to have Zoe in Puma class. I think she deserve it. Congratulations!

Puppy Class [Alicia]

Sally: We have chosen Alicia as our Super Kid this month. She is always an engaged student, and loves to show us everything she’s learned. She’s one of the hardest workers in class, and we are so amazed by her progress. We hope she can keep up the amazing work.   

Zach: Alicia’s reading and writing skills are very good, even in advanced subjects. She is nice and very kind to her classmates. She is also willing to help others who need help. She is polite and considerate to all the teachers and kids. Good job Alicia!

Chinchilla Class [Eugene]

Helen: This month, Eugene is our Super Kid. Eugene has worked hard to play more attention in class, have good manners and has improved so much with his hand writing. Eugene has worked hard and Teacher Helen and I are very proud of his progress.   

Julia: Our Super Kid in Chinchilla class this month is a little boy who has just joined CKids a few months ago. He was a little shy at first, however, he became more talkative after getting along with the other Chinchillas. He is kind to everyone and listens to his teachers. Whenever he makes mistakes, he is willing to say sorry. He has improved a lot whether on learning or writing skills. Hopefully he can keep up the good work.