7月份 super kids

Hippo Class [Janice]

Lauren: Janice was afraid of coming to school at the beginning of the semester and now she has a good attitude. She can follow directions and is willing to try her hardest to overcome problems! Janice understands the importance of sharing and works well with others!

Candy: Although it was very hard for Janice to adapt to her new environment at the beginning she still worked hard to learn everything and to follow the course content. She also enjoyed learning about manner. Her kindness helped her to help other children who needed help and comforted and accompanied them. Congratulations!

Panda Class [Evan]

Runa: Evan is Panda’s Super Kid this month. He always tries his best to sing the weekly song. He is also always willing to participate and try to answer questions even when he doesn’t know the answer. He has worked hard in his writing skills this month and always asks the teacher if it is time for him to practice more. His hard working attitude is why he is this month’s Super Kid.

Tom: This month we have selected Evan to be our Super kid. He has been working hard in all subjects, especially his hand writing. Even though he doesn’t always remember vocabulary, he is willing to practice with his teacher in his spare time. Good job! Keep working hard!

Chipmunk Class [Max]

Tiffany: Max has done a very good job in our English lessons. He makes a strong effort to improve his English and his speaking and reading abilities show steady progress.

Braden: For this month of July, Max has been chosen to be Super Kid. He has improved a lot in reading class. When we started the swimming class, he was nervous and didn’t want to put his face in the water. But now, he can swim very well. He has good manners, he always says thank you when teachers gave him things. Good job Max. Keep it up! Congratulations!

Puma Class [Bobo]

Joyce: Our Super Kid this month is a little new to our class but he’s been an excellent student ever since he joined. He is a great listener and he gets along with everyone. He is very outgoing and very engaged in class. We are glad to have Bobo in our class and we look forward to seeing him progress in the near future.

Cesar: Our Super Kid this month is Bobo. He can eat very fast. He always likes to help his teachers. He is a good helper. He pays more attention in class now and he can speak more English too. Everybody likes him very much. He likes to share his toys and teach everyone how to play. We are all proud to have Bobo in Puma class.

Dinosaur Class [Vic]

Chelsea: Our Super kid this month is Vic. The start of the month was tough as Vic tried to get used to school. As he became more comfortable his tears became smiles. Now he is always smiling. Vic is always attentive and listens well. He is kind and plays well with others. He also colors well. Congratulations to Vic for being a great student and our Super Kid this month.   

Jeremy: Vic gets along well with classmates. He also listens very well, follows his teachers’ instructions all the time. Mostly we only need to tell him what to do one time, he can remember and do it by himself. Keep up the great work!