2月份 super kids

Hippo Class [Andely]

Linda: Andely is speaking way more English than before. He communicates in English with his friends to the delight of his teachers. He has a hearty appetite as he is always the first one to finish his food. He knows how to share his toys with the others. He would also tell us who is speaking Chinese in class. He loves to be the line leader and loves to express his own thoughts in front of his classmates. He can roll up his sleeping bag nicely and put his own things away. There is nothing to worry about him as he is truly a good student! That is why Andely is our Super Kid for the month of February! Congratulations!

Candy: Our Super Kid of the month is Andely! He used to be afraid of speaking English because he was afraid of making mistakes. Now, he tries to the best of his ability to speak to everyone in English. Andely has also improved in doing his workbook and knows how to follow the rules in class. I am really happy to see his improvement! Keep up the good work, Andely!

Panda Class [Anna]

Runa: Anna is a smart, little girl who is always a good role model to the others. Her phonics skill is excellent because she can read books for grade school children. She is also good at math. She can figure out the answer to the equations mentally and can tell time by herself. You make us so proud, Anna! Congratulations!

Tom: Anna is our Super Kid for February. She has always been a great student when it came to reading, writing, and participating in class activities. She gets along well with all of her classmates. She acts as a leader to the other students. Additionally, she was one of the first to memorize her story for storytelling. She has also done a good job with not talking to the people beside her this month. Good job, Anna! Keep it up!

Chipmunk Class [Nathan]

Tiffany: We have picked Nathan to be our Super Kid for February. He always follows every step of the lessons and possesses good manners. He never forgets to say “Thank you!” when teachers give him things. He always sings our Weekly Song very loudly. Good job, Nathan. Keep it up!

Braden: Nathan is our Super Kid for the month of February. He always tries his best at school and has a positive attitude. He has made noticeable improvements in reading and Phonics and always works hard in every class. I know that he will continue to be a good role model for other students. Congratulations, Nathan!

Puma Class [Amber]

Joyce: Amber is our Super Kid for February. Amber has become braver now. She doesn’t cry that easily anymore. She likes to share her toys with her friends, which is why everyone likes to play with her all the time. She likes to draw, too. She always makes cards for everyone. Her math and phonics have also improved so much. She tries to finish her workbooks by herself and always gives the right answers. Way to go, Amber!

Cesar: Our Super Kid this month is Amber. Amber is very friendly to everyone and she’s one of the best students when it comes to math. Amber has become a lot braver and she isn’t afraid to try new things. Amber enjoys challenges and she always tries her best. We’re lucky to have Amber in our class! Congratulations, Amber!

Dinosaur Class [Candy]

Winnie: Our Super Kid for the month of February is Candy. She comes to school on time every day. She is friendly with her classmates as she is always willing to share her toys with everybody. She is a good helper to both of her teachers. She colors nicely and carefully and she’s very good at puzzles. She has improved a lot as it is evident on the way she speaks more English than before. Keep doing your best, Candy!   

Jeremy: Our Super Kid this month is Candy. Candy is very kind as she cares deeply for her friends and always wants to help. Candy has really improved over the last month. She now speaks English all the time and she loves asking questions. Candy also listens well and follows instructions. She is a joy to have in class. Keep up the good work!