12¤ë¥÷ super kids

Hippo Class [Andrea]

Linda: Andrea is the Super kid of the month. She has improved lots in her phonics and she doesn¡¦t cry that often now. She has become so brave. When she wakes up from her nap, she gets up really fast and will help wake the others up. Andrea also improved in her Chinese and her writing has become better. Keep it up!

Candy: Our Super Kid of the month is Andrea. Andrea always looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom. She works well with classmates in group work and often takes a leadership role. Andrea has done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this semester. She will not cry easily now!

Wombat Class [Andrea]

Runa: Andrea is our super kid of December, as she has done so well this month! She remembered all the Christmas show¡¦s lines and dance movements quickly, she is not afraid of standing on the stage and she tried so hard to make our show great. In the class, she listens well and does the workbooks correctly. When her classmates have some arguments, she can help her teachers to tell them to be nice to each other. Andrea is willing to accept any corrections from her teachers also, and she keeps all the advice in her mind. Good job Andrea! Our super kid!

Jonathan: Andrea is our super kid for December! She¡¦s been doing a fantastic job with everything! During our Christmas show she remembered everything quickly and she spoke clearly! ƒº Before, she had a little bit of trouble in class following some of the instructions that she¡¦d been asked to do, but her attitude has improved a lot! She now listens and does a great job with her class work! In fact, she has become a little teacher in the class and often offers to help other students when they need it! Overall, Andrea is fast becoming a lovely young person who is thoughtful and intelligent! Great job, Andrea! ƒº ƒºƒº ƒº

Giraffe Class [Kimi]

Tiffany: We have picked Kimi to be our super kid for December.He always follows every step of the lessons and possesses good manners.He has improved a lot in reading. He can read a lot words all by himself. Kimi is usually focused when doing his book work and he can now eat more while eating faster. Good job and keep up the good work! Congratulations!

Blanca: Our Super Kid for this month is Kimi! Kimi has been doing a great job with participating in class recently and has been more attentive overall. He always plays very nicely with everyone in the class and he really likes to help around the classroom. Recently, he has even been eating a bit better, which is great! Keep up the great work, Kimi! ļ ļ ļ ļ ļ ļļ ļ

Unicorn Class [Adam]

Lisa: Our Super Kid this month is Adam! He has been participating and being attentive throughout the semester. He also did a great job in the Christmas show being Olaf. Even though he had some tough moments during preparation, he ended up doing very well. We can tell he is growing day by day in a very stable way. We hope by making him the Super Kid of this month will be a delightful encouragement for him after the big show.

Lauren: When Adam first came, he cried a lotand was always looking for his mommy,but now he has finally adapted well.He is a good painter;he is full of imagination and creativity.He is a smart child;he learns everything so fast and is always willing to learn. Adam has positive work attitude. He is polite and always has a big smile on his face. I¡¦m so lucky to have him in my class. He is such a sweet talker and always makes my day. Keep up the good work! I love you!

Dinosaur Class [Celine]

Winnie: Our Super Kid for this month of December is Celine.She is always happy when she comes to school.She likes to play with spinning tops with everyone during break time.She is a bright girl who loves to learn new things and she learns so fast. Celine tries her best all the time.In addition, she is very helpful and she helps me clean the tables and throw away the trash after school. Finally, she studies hard in my Chinese class.She focuses on her writings and she can spell by herself.Keep it up, Celine!    

Jeremy: Our Super Kid this month is Celine. Over the past month Celine has made a lot of improvements. Her attitude has been great. She has been helpful and in control of her emotions. Even if she is upset, she doesn¡¦t let her emotions boil over. Celine has also gotten much better at reading in the month of December. She can read all of our phonics words without help. She also tries hard to read books by herself. She also did a great job as a postman in our Christmas show. Keep up the hard work.

Grizzly Bear Class [Frank Lin]

David: Our Super Kid for December is Franklin! Franklin has made great strides in his abilities recently. His math skills, from simple counting to his arithmetic, have all improved a lot. His English and phonics have also been getting better. Franklin did a tremendous job on the Christmas show, and put forth a lot of effort learning his lines and helping others. He really enjoys art class too; making many beautiful pictures to share. Great job, Franklin! We are all so very proud of you!    

Sally: This month super kid is Franklin. He has improved a lot in math and can count and write from 1-50. Although he drifts off easily in class, he is willing to help others. Franklin always has a sweet smile. He tries hard and never gives up! Keep up the good work!