5月份 super kids

Hippo Class [Yang Yang]

Linda: This month's super kid is Yang yang, She is very well-behaved and does her part well. It has been a year since she came to CKids. She was very shy at first, but now she has the courage to express her thoughts, and when her classmates need help, she is very enthusiastic to help. Due to COVID-19, we can only teach online. She pays attention every time and finishes her homework very quickly. She is a very hard-working child! Keep up the good work, Yang Yang!

Candy: Our Super Kid of the month is a student who has improved so much since joining Hippo class. At the beginning, she was shy and afraid of speaking out. She was afraid of making mistakes. Yang Yang’s phonics skills are rapidly improving as she has gained confidence in herself. She is always sweet and kind to everyone in the class. Great job and keep up the good work, Yang Yang!

Wombat Class [Ian]

Panda: Our super kid of the month is Ian. Ian is a very smart boy and his performance is getting better and better. He learns everything very fast and he has done pretty well this past month. He has a strong curiosity and is good at expressing himself. He also likes to share everything in life with his classmates. He always likes to be the first to raise his hand to answer questions during class time. He is very innocent and cute, he also likes to hug everyone. It’s great, keep it up.

Bryan: This little boy brings both heart ache and joy to the class. He is a very active little fellow full of energy which can sometimes be overwhelming. At the same time he has a very good heart and always shares it with his classmates and his teacher. He has made steady progress with his behaviour over the past few months and his English is excellent with a good didactic flow of conversation. He continues to improve with his book work and with a little time and effort will be a leader in and outside of the classroom. Our super kid this month is Ian! Good job little buddy!

Giraffe Class [Joshua]

Tiffany: Our Super Kid for this month of May is Joshua. He is always friendly to everyone. He can read quite well and he learns new things quickly .He likes math class and he always finishes his math work book quickly. He was outstanding in the storytelling competition. I am really proud of him for working so hard! Good job, Joshua. Keep it up!

Blanca: This month’s Super Kid is Joshua! Joshua has been doing an excellent job with focusing during class recently, which is great! He has also been participating more and has been doing a good job with remembering the new material quickly. He is doing a better and better job with sounding out new words, and his writing is becoming more and more beautiful, which is excellent! Keep up the wonderful work, Joshua! :)

Unicorn Class [Blaire]

Bret: Our Super Kid this month is Blaire! Blaire has welcomed me to the class from the very beginning. She has always been willing to participate in the activities we do and answer questions in class. She matured a lot and has been a great friend to all the Unicorns. She wants to show the good work she has done. I’m proud of the progress she has made and I look forward to her continued progress. Way to go Blaire!

Lauren: Blaire is Unicorn class’ Super Kid of the month.Blaire is smart like her brother Cooper. She learns everything very fast and she has done so well this past month. She is very strong headed but she likes to help new students when they are adjusting to their new environment. She is feminine and cute. She likes to sit on my leg and likes to share things with me. Blaire likes to answer questions during class time. Keep up the good work, Blaire. I love you!

Dinosaur Class [Ray]

Winnie: Our Super Kid for this month of May is Ray. He is a sweet boy. He likes to share everything about him with me. Although we can’t go to school because of Covid-19 he still works so hard in class all the time. He is very curious and he likes to learn new things. His math is so good!. He can do addition in the hundred digits. If he doesn’t know something he will come and ask me. He studies hard in my Chinese class. He watched all my videos and did his homework so neatly. Keep it up, Ray!    

Jeremy: Our Super Kid for the month of May is Ray. Ray has come a long way during his time at CKids. He is an extremely fun boy. He always has good energy in class and loves to participate. Ray has become very good at math. He can add large numbers in his head. Ray has also become a lot better at reading. His phonics has improved a lot and he is able to sound out most words. Most importantly Ray is a very kind boy. He always wants to play with his friends. He shares well and treats everyone nicely. Ray is also always willing to help others in class. He also helps his teachers. Ray has a smile that brightens up the whole room. Keep up all the great work.

Grizzly Bear Class [Orange]

David: Our Super Kid for May is Orange! Orange has done a spectacular job in Grizzly Bear class and has improved in every subject. Last year, Orange was very shy and quiet, but now he is quite talkative and expressive. His math and phonics are top notch, and he is a very talented artist too. Orange will soon be on his way to elementary school and we wish him all the best. Great job, Orange!    

Sally: Our super kid of the month is Orange. I am very happy you’re our super kid again. Orange always has a smile on his face and he always laughs so hard. Sometimes when we play games you are so crazy and noisy, but during the class time you usually pay attention and listen to teacher David,which is good! Your Phonics and sentence patterns have improved a lot. You can even finish writing by yourself. I can see how hard you try. I appreciate your performance. Keep up the good work!