1月份 super kids

Llama Class [Jacob]

Bernice: The Super Kid in Llama class this month is a very special boy. He has improved a lot these past few months, especially with his behavior and he is very good at drawing. He likes to join class with a very positive attitude, always raises his hands to answer questions. He always does his job very quickly and teaches others to do so as well. He’s friendly to his friends when they’re playing. We’re so happy that we have Jacob in our class. Way to go, Jacob!

Bryan: Our super kid this month is a boy. He is very well behaved and always sits nicely during class. He listens to his teachers and when others step out of line, he is sure to remind them of the class routines, rules, and etiquette. He is always extremely loud when singing our weekly songs and has been very lucky recently, consistently winning our class games. Luck is only one factor to his success, he is also very bright, has very linear thinking, learns quickly and has a strong logical foundation. He is always able to finish his work independently, quickly, and often helps others. He is very artistic and not only regarding his fine motor skills, but also has an artistic vision and focuses on small details in his art and drawings. His English gets better each day, and he is an excellent example for the other children in the class. I am very happy to have this boy in my class, am very happy that he is making lots of new friends and as such I am very happy to have Jacob be the super kid for the Llama class this month. Excellent job!

Phoenix Class [Ryan]

Tiffany: Our Super Kid this month is Ryan! He is very good at playing together with his friends. He learns vocabulary quickly and remembers different words with ease. He always tries to read a story?book by himself. He can also count from 0 to 50 all by himself! Keep up the good work! Congratulations!

Cesar: Our Super Kid this past month is a very cute boy who has a great memory and can remember all of the vocabulary words that we learned at the beginning of the year. He is very friendly and he is great at sharing. He is a great helper and he enjoys helping everyone solve puzzles. He is very good at coloring and drawing, and he is very detailed with all of his works of art. His phonics skills have improved greatly and he is now able to read longer sentences all by himself. We are very happy to have him in our class. Our Super kid is Ryan! Keep up the great work!

Quokka Class [Jimmy]

Bret: Our Super Kid this month is a boy who wants everyone to like him. The good thing is all of his classmates do like him. He is a good friend to everyone and he wants to help out as much as possible. He really wants to do a good job at everything he does which is why he sometimes need convincing to try new things. He does an excellent job every time we do workbooks. He also likes to remind me that he is faster at drinking water. Our Super Kid for January is Jimmy! Keep up the good work!

Lauren: Our Super Kid this month is a boy who always has a big smile on his face. He is a smart kid in our class, he learns things very quickly. He enjoys being a helper and likes to help everyone. He is a cute boy who is always asking everyone, “Do you like me? Do you love me? I love you, how about you?” Our super kid this month is Jimmy. Keep up the great job, Jimmy. We love you!

Meerkat Class [Kelsey]

Jeremy: Our Super Kid this month is Kelsey. Kelsey did a great job over the past month. She is a very attentive student that loves to learn. Her curiosity is always on display in class; she is always asking questions. She has a great love of drawing. There are many times where she asks to draw instead of playing with toys. Kelsey loves to play with her friends, and they are always making cool things. Kelsey did a great job reading this past month. She can read quite well, and she always raises her hand when I need someone to read something. Kelsey has gotten better at math too. She is willing and able to complete our math problems by herself. Kelsey is a joy to have in class. Keep up the great work.    

Stacey: Kelsey is a polite little girl. She always says "thank you" to everyone who helps her. She is also a lively and outgoing child. As soon as she joined the Meerkat class, she could actively interact with everyone and it came very naturally to her. She integrates well with everyone. During class, she takes the initiative to raise her hands to ask questions, and also takes the initiative to answer questions. When reading English textbooks, she can read them out quickly. Sometimes when she needs to read in front of the class, she is also very generous and performs well. Keep up the good work, Kelsey.

Orca Class [Aaron]

Richard: The Super Kid in Orca class this month is a very special boy. In the past few weeks his phonics has improved greatly as has his reading as he is the first one in class to memorize his story for storytelling. He loves doing math in class and is always looking for extra worksheets to do. He also really enjoys science class and learning about all the different dinosaurs. He is loved by everyone in the class and is always willing to help others as well as his teachers. For all those reasons and more the Super Kid in Orca class this month is Aaron! Congratulations and keep up the excellent work!    

Sally: The Super Kid for Orca class this month is Aaron. He is always very well behaved in class and kind to others. He does his work in class very neatly and fast and is always looking for extra work to do. He is always helping his teachers and others in class and is loved by everyone. Congratulations Aaron and keep up the great work you’ve been doing in class!